Their sheets are of lineal-filiform character until sub-camiformes, petty and numerous. They are also long, they measure from 5 to 10 millimeters.
It also possesses petty flowers, solitary, almost sésiles, prepared in the apex of the ramillas. The chalice enters sepals 3 nervados and the corolla has free and very petty petals, long of about 3 millimeters. They are of white color or verduzcos, and of pettier size that the sepals.
The fruit of this plant is a spherical capsule that measures from 3 to 4 millimeters of diameter.
It is a South American specie that inhabits fields, banks of streams, zeros and mountains of almost the whole area.
The infusion in the proportion of 40 grams in a liter of water is used as tonic, as appetizer and it facilitates the respiration.
The whole plant, before it flourishes, desiccated to the shade it constitutes a very useful drug in the affections of the respiratory channels when he/she is used without exaggeration.
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