

You consist on the forfeiture or decrease of the auditory sense. The transmission deafness, the deafness of perception and the combined deafness exist.

The transmission deafness affects the extraneous hearing and the mean. The most frequent lawsuits in the same one are: the plug of wax (collection of ceruminous substance that when being deposited in the external auditory canal and to cork it, you drive to the deafness whose appearance is in a very sharp way and generally after an immersion bathroom, since then the water softens the plug of wax dilating it and in consecuancia it corks the referred conduit), the foreign bodies, the otoesclerosis and the extraneous otitis and you mediate. In the case of plug of wax, you are only generally the physician who can proceed to your extraction, half pr of a laundry with tepid water. To claim your extraction with pincers or ganchillos, you only drive to insert it more toward inside.

The same thing happens with the foreign bodies, especially in the children who insert in the external auditory canal rubber pieces of deleting, papers, necklace accounts, piedrecitas, lapicera mines, peas, etc., and they frequently hide this circumstance to the parents fearing one reprehended. Never debit side to attempt the extraction of the foreign bodies for inexpert hands, since the maneuvers for they are it difficult and a deeper penetration is only achieved, with possibility of to perforate the drum membrane and to produce a half otitis then. The expert should only be the manager of your extraction, or the general thing very laborious, because in occasions you/he/she becomes even necessary the general anestecia, for the fear or unruliness of the petty one.

In the case of animated foreign bodies - as an insect for example - the maximum thing that it can be made before going to the physician you are to instill in the hearing some drops of oleum, in order to asphyxiate the intruder and to liberate this way the patient of the pain that cause you the same one when moving or to even avoid that you attack the drum membrane.

The otoesclerosis is a very frequent lawsuit of transmission deafness that affect women especially and that you consist in that one of the bones of the half hearing, compound number stirrup, is fixed, without movement possibility, and in deprived consequence of transmitting the sound wave to the interior hearing. Your only tatamiento at the present time is the surgical one, by means of the replacement of the one referred stirrup by another mechanism mavible (polytene bush, tantalum wire, etc.), that you allow the step of the sound wave.

The deafness of perception, affects the interior hearing and in occasions it is also retro labyrinthine, to the one it turns affected the auditory own ledge. The most frequent lawsuits that provoke it are the cranial, vascular traumatisms - arteriosclerosis - and infections - certain viruses, for example that of the parotiditis or mumps, meningitis -; the toxics also contribute to such deafness, without forgetting the calls professional deafness, characteristic of individuals whose work in noisy environments causes you an acoustic trauma - boilermakers, planchistas - and finally the call "presbiacusia" that are the deafness presenil or senile.

The combined deafness, are those quie they enter both dysfunction types, that is to say, the transmission deafness and that of perception.

The grade of deafness of a patient can only be qualified by the expert by means of the studio with the tuning forks and the audiometría. Thanks to this, a chart transmitted by an electric apparatus settle down, the audiometer, which allow the physician to trace a graph - audiogram - in the one that the hearing losses are studied in the different frequencies, from the serious notes until the acute one, to different intensities.

Once calibrated the deafness for the expert, will be this who will indicate the treatment to continue that will be able to be: physician, surgical, or based on the allocation of a hearing aid or prosthesis in the hearing that he/she believe more opportune.

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