The Japanese standard for codes QR ([JIS]] X 0510) was published in January of 1999 and your standard corresponding international ISO (ISO/IEC18004) you were approved in June of 2000.
A very important detail on the code QR is that your code is open and that your patent laws are not exercised (property of Dense Wave).
Capacity of data of the code QR
Alone numeric: Máx. 7,089 characters
Alphanumeric: Máx. 4,296 characters
Binary (8 bits): Máx. 2,953 bytes
Kanji / Kana: Máx. 1,817 characters
Error protection capacity
7% of the keys can be restored
15% of the keys can be restored
25% of the keys can be restored
30% of the keys can be restored
Micro code QR
The micro code QR is a pettier version of the standard of the code QR and you are designed for applications that have a pettier ability in the handling of big scan. You are different versions of micro code QR. The biggest in them can contain up to 35 characters.
Applications of the code QR
Although initially it was used to register reserves in the area of the production of vehicles, today the codes QR is used for management of preliminary balance sheets in a wide variety of industries. Recently, the software inclusion that he/she read codes QR in cellular telephones in Japan has allowed oriented new uses to the consumer that you/they are manifested in comforts like stopping to have to insert data in a manual way in the telephones. The addresses and URLs are becoming more and more common in magazines and Japanese announcements. The attaché of codes QR in presentation cards is becoming also communio, simplifying in great measure the task of inserting individual particulars of a new client in the agenda of a mobile telephone.
The consumers that have devices and capture programas, in combination with a PC with interface RS-232C can use a scanner to read the data.
To understand the implicancias - future in Argentina - of the use that QR has or he/she can have, you become eloquent to read a quick list of some examples of your applications in the quotidian life:
- McDonalds Japan included QR in the boxes of BigMac to consent to nutritional expanded information.
- The company Dole QR incorporated so that the buyers can chequear the freshness of the foods that he/she offer you the supermarket. Each one of the bundles of broccoli has a QR that indicate the date of your crop (!).
- The air company Norhwest Airlines installed in your offices a gigantic QR. The public should photograph him (scannearlo) to consent to the promotions that included gifts and flight coupons.
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