The best definition of Nanotechnology that we have found is this: The nanotechnology is the studio, design, creation, synthesis, manipulation and application of materials, apparatuses and functional systems through the control of the matter to nano climb, and the exploitation of phenomena and estates of the matter to nano climb.
When the matter is manipulated to the so minuscule scale of atoms and molecules, you demonstrate phenomena and completely new estates. Therefore, scientists use the nanotechnology to create materials, apparatuses and novel and not very expensive systems with unique estates
You interest us, more than your concept, what represent potentially inside the group of investigations and current applications whose purpose is to create new structures and products that would have a great impact in the industry, the medicine (nanomedicina), etc.
This new structures accurately atomic, such as nanotubos of charcoal, or petty instruments for the interior of the human body can insert us in a new era, just as Charles it points out Vest (ex-president of MIT). The advances nanotecnológicos would play this way the society of the knowledge with multitude of developments with a great repercussion in your entrepreneurial and social instrumentation.
The nanociencia is bound in great measure from the decade of the 80 with Drexler and your contributions to the molecular" "nanotechnology, this is, the nanomáquinas construction made of atoms and that they are able to build themselves other molecular components. From then on Eric Drexler (personal webpage), is considered one of the biggest visionaries on this topic. Already in 1986, in your book "Engines of creation" inserted the promises and hazards of the molecular manipulation. Currently Foresight presides Institute.
The father of the "nanociencia", Richard is considered Feynman, prize Nóbel of Physics, who in 1959 you intended to manufacture products based on a reordenamiento of atoms and molecules. In 1959, the great physique wrote an article that analyzed how the computers working with individual atoms could consume very little energy and to procure astonishing speeds.
A great consent exists in that the nanotechnology will take us to a second industrial revolution in the XXI century just as you announced some years ago, Charles Vest (ex-president of MIT).
You will suppose numerous advances for many industries and new materials with estates extraordinary (to develop stronger materials that the steel but with only ten percent the weight), new computer applications with incredibly quicker components or molecular sensors able to detect and to destroy cancer-causing cells in the parts more dedlicadas of the human body as the brain, among other many applications.
We can say that many progress of the nanociencia will be among the technological big advances that you/they will change the world.
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