When analyzing the write, they should be kept in mind three fields grafológicas, since each one of these makes a particular sense. These fields are:
1. The higher (above the line) field. Here it is to where the upper case and the bottom-up letters arrive, and this space symbolizes the spirituality and the superación desire and increment. If the bottom-up crosses stand out in connection with the center and the top-down crosses, ésto denotes an exacerbated capacity of fantasy, idealism and pride.
2. The half (the line where you move the write) field. You are the space where you move the write in yes, and you embrace the affective, sentimental and reflective part the subconscious of the person. When the text is half with regard to the crosses, you indicate ullage of objectivity and certain repression of reactions without justification.
3. The inferior (below the line) field. You are here to where the letters arrive with top-down crosses. imboliza the material world, the practical interests and instincts. When the top-down crosses are disproportionately big, you are evidenced a practical predominant sense and the capacity of summing up projects, as well as a notorious materialiesmo and sensuality for the material pleasures.
The dimension of the letter, is a very important aspect when analyzing the legal capacity. If the letter is big, a limitless ambition, adaptation ullage to the reality and intense autoconfianza is denoted that can made a mistake with the self-centeredness. On the other hand, if you are about a petty write, you indicate reservation, shyness and introversion. If the write is wide, that is to say indicated by a great separation among the words or among the letters, you denote generosity, altruism and solidarity; a versatile legal capacity and an interesting character. On the contrary, if you leave a narrow write, where the letters and words are compressed, you indicate a difficulty to begin relaicones and a lot of fear.
As for the form, we can observe the following: If you are about a readable but angular write, we speak of a person with a high level of self-centeredness and desires of escaping from certain problematic issues. On the other hand, if you are rounded, you demonstrate generosity and good character but something of laziness. If we see that the write is of the school" type, we can see a person that have not suffered modifications throughout the years; therefore your legal capacity is weak, influenciable and with scarce creativity. If the write is of typographic class, that that resemble that of a machine and in which the uppercase or minuscule printings prevail, you give account of an aesthetic deep sentidp, of artistic restlessness and of originality. On the contrary, if the letter is "florid", that is to say full with firuletes and particulars, you denote an exaggerated capacity for the fantasy. If you are minimalist, that is to say, plain and without any addition, without variances, you give account of an intellectual intense activity, of honesty and flexibility to accept new ideas.
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