
Animals annoying in summer

Children have very different attitudes compared to animals. At about love and leaving others running, but none of them is immune to suffer a bad experience.

Bites from dogs and cats: The bites of domestic animals do not cause serious damage if the animal is vaccinated against rabies. If this information is unknown, we must wash the wound immediately with plenty of soap and water to remove all traces of saliva that was able to stop the aggressor and urgently go to the hospital to perform the cure for the doctor and evaluate the need for a reinforcement antitetanus.

Snakebites: There is a very large number of poisonous snakes. Faced with a bite reptile (certainty is the footprint of two separate punctures), you have to put at rest to the child, reassure and immobilize the affected part. Disinfect the wound and put a band of about 10 centimeters, which slightly compress the member, above the bite, loosen 30 seconds every 10 minutes and you have to monitor pulse under the band.

If possible, apply cold, as it decreases the spread of poison and dampens inflammation. We need to alert the police to indicate which school has the poison antidote, and transfer the child to the hospital urgently.

Scorpion bite and spiders: always act immediately. Immobilize the wounded, and apply a cold compress band constrictor that superficial venous circulation, but not deep. Can be given an ointment with steroids and antihistamines, while the transport to the hospital and also give children an analgesic, which calms the child.

Bee and wasp: When a bee stings, you should remove the stinger with tweezers and then put ointment antihistamines. If the stings are multiple, occur in the mouth or you have allergies, you should go immediately to the hospital.

If this is a sting in isolation, there will be pressure to the wound area (like a pimple) to quit the poison or sting. Relieve pain by applying cold water and baking soda. Clean and disinfect the wound.

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