
Divorced but not enemies - Separation

One of the reasons why it is desirable that the separation of a couple is civilized and is by mutual agreement of the boys. Simply, if only for pure practicality, it should have an open field of dialogue regarding the children.

Of course, we must try to avoid, however, that these disputes left over will be reflected in their education and never try to disturb and against the other over the child.

It is essential not to disparage the other, although they have finished the beating or despite being aware that it is a bad father (or mother), in the end is his dad (or mom) and needs the relationship. The child that you will either help you keep what you hear.

It should never hamper coexistence, quite the opposite: hacérsela easy and attractive. It is good to remind you, before leaving, that in the house where he is going to be (if) there are other boys and another mom, who can also tell you what to do. Important is instilling a flexibility and help them adapt. Not always what we will be the only thing good that exists.

Blackmail, the divide and conquer, not to be present in education. Sometimes, children tend to exploit the rivalries and differences of the parents in order to get away with it. This is a small "handling" totally innocent child.

Never be used for children as a weapon against his father (or mother). The inevitable result is that after the separation, disputes over education is more acute and complicated topics that were previously unresolved between the couple. Annoy or harm to another child through all that does is further complicate the situation.

Although not feel that way, these situations, if they live well, can be very positive. It is true that entail more difficulty, especially in the beginning: the child has to adapt to two different families and two systems of standards, however, eventually becomes more open mind, the more assumed maturity and flexibility with regard to relations human. If you know avoid jealousy and rivalry, complicity can be a great benefit to all.

Also for parents, the circumstances offered positive factors. The situation is especially complicated, we must not deny it, but it will give us the opportunity to develop the negotiating skills of dialogue and review our educational criteria, as opposed to having almost continuously. Therefore, no harm done, from time to time, an examination of conscience: maybe the other is not as comprehensive as we thought and it turns out that we do we are too rigid and severe.

In these families, called "assembled", is recovering a little sense of extended family with multiple relationships. Extending the reference field, bringing the models to imitate each other. Therefore, there are some who says that relationships are more rich and positive. Of course, always ensuring that the child has strong affections and sets a person to deal with it.

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