
Earthquakes - Why and how it vibrates the earth?

They are the most sudden and devastating. Are caused by the movement of tectonic plates ground, and are measured by their magnitude (Richter scale) and intensity (MSK).

• The hypocenter or focus is the internal point where the earthquake originated, and the epicenter is its projection on the surface. If it is at sea can result in tsunamis (large waves that propagate towards the coast).

• The seismic waves are amplified in soft ground and very thick (plains, lakes ...). In addition to the vibrations of the ground, landslides could occur on land and liquefaction,

• The scale of magnitude (Richter) is logarithmic: supposed to be an earthquake measuring 5 is 10 times more destructive to a grade 4. According to this, an earthquake of 2.5 is in the vicinity, one of magnitude 6 is potentially destructive, and more than 7 is a major earthquake.

• The energy that releases an earthquake of magnitude 8 is the 1025 ergios, equal to 10,000 Hiroshima bombs like. An earthquake and takes place every 8-10 years, and is detected within a radius of 1,000 km away.

• The scale of intensity (MSK) takes into account the destructive effects of the quake according to the loralización; a strong earthquake in a desert area that would lower a weaker but close to a city.

• In 1943, there were a total of 41 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher (record of the century). The year 1986 has been, for its part, the least active of the century, with only six of this magnitude.

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