
Psychological treatment - sexual Therapy

SEX THERAPY. This treatment is designed to stimulate the receipt of erotic and sensual stimuli without an erection or penetration are an immediate goal.

We carried out a medical history that makes it possible to the extent of the disorder, and some evidence to rule out or confirm the cause of the problem (vascular, endocrine or psychogenic), and are investigating the sexual history of the patient (frequency, attitude ...).

It is customary to work with anxiety and personality questionnaires to focus on the potential therapeutic solutions, according to the characteristics of the patient. The couple, meanwhile, received instructions to act as coterapeuta.

In the sessions, one hour's duration, frequency, as appropriate, between weekly and monthly work-related issues are control of anxiety in the sexual relationship, erroneous beliefs or sexual myths that may be on the basis of the problem, and so on.

The patient receives instructions to have sex in different ways. The goal is to discover all the human capacities and potentialities of your own body without an erection is the main focus.

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