
Being Mom from pregnancy

Pregnancy-even if it is the second-or third is always a new situation (no two identical), and the woman is in need of help and information. There are many fundamental issues that are unknown and which are very important, such as gymnastics for childbirth, for example.

At the time the test is positive, it will normally not know how to prevent birth defects, how to avoid abortions or what is the best diet. Therefore, the people involved in the preparation of pregnant women require that the teaching also covers these aspects and to give absolutely everywhere.

It is ideal that the teaching of postpartum is made across the board. In the third phase there must be physical and spirit, and knowledge about child care ... Care for the child is a great burden on women.
If they are to become more humanized childbirth in the future it will have to make them the same people who care for the mother who taught courses in preparation for motherhood.

This represents a radical change. It would be optimal for a small maternity, where the arrival of a new world will be able to live as a family event.
All these goals are fine, but to enable them to be effective it is necessary that the company is willing to cooperate. It is therefore important that. when future moms can not make the courses in their spare time, state enterprises and private offer facilities for pregnant women come in working hours.

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