
How to prevent child sinusitis?

Irritant cough at night, nasal obstruction and a tendency to get many colds are the most common symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses in children.

The most prone to sinusitis are those who have some small disorder of the upper respiratory tract: deviation of the nasal septum, polyp of the nasal mucosa, hypertrophy of the adenoids, allergic rhinitis ..., all these processes that encourage repetitive colds.

Is not chronic
During childhood, the sinusitis are more larvae into adulthood, and rarely come to chronic or complicated by an infection (sinusitis suppurated). The latter cause headache, fever and a runny nose or nostril of a greenish-yellow exudate, symptoms similar to those of adults.

The diagnosis is made by radiogafía, and treatment must be provided by an otolaryngologist. If there is a hypertrophy of adenoids, it is imperative to remove after six years.

Attacking time
It is not difficult to prevent the child suffering from sinusitis again. Often it's enough to clean the nasal passages with saline solution when acatarrado, and remind you to blow often. A child with sinusitis should not dive.

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