
Nightmares or sleep terror?

Every night we dream about five or six times. The dreams of boys under the age of four are still very structured, and little action. But, at the age of five or six years, are beginning to be dynamic, with an increasingly complex, but almost never the small acts by itself but it is the passive victim of the actions of others. So, not surprisingly, are especially terrifying.

It should make clear that a nightmare is not the same as the so-called night terror. In this case, the child wakes up out of his mind, screaming and visibly frightened. Do not know where it is, nor responds to the words of parents. After five or ten minutes everything happened. The small it turns around and still sleeping. The next morning not remember anything.

Some sleep researchers, the explanation for this phenomenon is clearly organicist: at each stage of sleep light (in which we dream) is followed by another deep sleep. When the child is unable to move from one phase to another, it appears the night terror.

The measurements of brain activity, the heartbeat and respiratory rate show that all these activities corporal was shot in seconds. It is advisable to caress the child, but should not try to wake him. Some doctors assume that it is hereditary, others that can be triggered by lack of sleep.

And, of course, continues to have great weight psychoanalytic interpretations of these terrors as a symptom of a more serious emotional conflict and deep on that parents should think or even go to a psychologist.

While the night terror has no positive role, dreams are necessary, even nightmares. Through them, children are freed from many of the tensions that can not be disposed of during the day.

Often the kids express their feelings to go to any animal, ogre or monster mix of both. Not usually a very complex symbolism, but at times, even as these dreams require a simple key to understanding them.

For example, a crocodile-or any other monster with many teeth-symbolizes aggressiveness. But what kind of aggressiveness is, it depends on each child and their personal circumstances.

Perhaps afraid of being devoured by his own mother ( "You besos to eat"), who out of pure love overprotecting or, perhaps, what dominates and does not leave space for independence. A wolf that chases the small could symbolize a father too authoritarian.

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