
Skin, always soft in babies

The crusts on the head and face are common since the second week of life. Popularly known as scab milk; for doctors is a seborrheic dermatitis. Injuries are red, scaly and greasy-looking, and do not produce itching. When the small serves two months (sometimes before), may also appear elsewhere in the body, especially in areas of major folds (English).

The treatments should not be aggressive, because seborrheic dermatitis tends to disappear spontaneously. You can wash the scalp with a shampoo based on zinc pyrithione or sulfur. The creams with steroids also give great results, but hey!, Should be used only when they have been prescribed by the doctor and the doses given by him.

babies, skin, soft, dermatitis, injury, treatment, diapers, creams
As for diaper dermatitis is leaving the baby for as long as possible with the tail in the air, in a warm room and replacing the diapers, while a cure for some cloth (the lifetime), which is will change as they get wet. Applying a cream, should be chosen a Decongestion, without steroids.

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