
What to do with babies with hiccups and sneezing

It's very common that this baby hiccups and sneezing. These two events do not indicate that food has fallen ill or being cold; are situations characteristic of this time of life. The babe, that is out of the saliva from the mouth, is common during the third and fourth month.

The increased intensity is due to the increase in the functioning of the salivary glands (and not because they appear on the teeth). It is important to try to avoid the area of the neck and chest remain moist. Babies fed with breast milk usually spit; their milk goes to the edge of the mouth while they are lying.

It is important to differentiate it from vomiting not to worry. The latter manifested by expelling large amounts of food in jet or puffs. In these cases, the pediatrician should be consulted without fail.

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