
Beauty Tips

"Brittle nails?.
If you have brittle nails, take note of this advice. Case of Mary a bath charadita cu anhydrous lanolin mixture slowly with a half teaspoon of iodine (both ingredients can buy in pharmacies) where the mixture is well combined, let it cool y. then store in a tightly closed irascible.

Every night before bed, rub your nails and cuticles with this mixture. Soon you will notice good results.

Gentle strokes.
Do you always keep your hands soft and beautiful? Mix in equal parts, glycerin (available in drug stores and drugstores), lemon juice and rose water (also readily available). Store this cream in a bottle with dosage dor that has been empty and previously has been cleaned well. Every time you wash your hands Apply this lotion. Accomplished hands of silk.

What a look!.
Before putting on mascara. Put some talcum powder on your fingers and shred them in the tabs. A-h and can paint. You see how her eyelashes and her eyes are much prettier than usual.

Open enamel.
When the nail polish cap resist and you have trouble opening it, put a time under the hot water tap and let it run. Immediately take off to soften what has been dry out. It is the perfect solution.

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