
Importance of reflexes in health

Are automatic responses of our nervous system to certain stimuli and indicate neurological maturity of a person.

Part of our nervous system goes into action in an unconscious from the moment of birth, allowing a series of key actions for life, for example, the mere fact of breathing. Immediately after birth, the doctor performs a complete scan the baby. Check the proper functioning of most basic reflexes, such as seeking the nipple of his mother's breast with his mouth and sucking, or palmar grip, hand grip for the finger of the caregiver, or any object that is offered as a handle.

Automatic and volunteers.
Relocations as basic as removing the hand of a heat source to avoid
burn are from the beginning in man determined by the connections of neurons in so-called reflex actions. But automatic movements will step forth to act voluntarily and knowingly. A spontaneous reflexes will be added others, conditioned by environmental circumstances and learned by experience.

The recognition of hazards, for example, causes the secretion of the hormone adrenaline, which triggers, in turn, the defensive reflexes and aggressive attitudes to bypass or undermine what is threatening us.
Provoked by the physician.

Plus, reflections are an important element of diagnosis when provoked in the course of a simple checkup or a neurological examination. Thus the familiar knee jerk. which is done by striking the tendon to the knee and causes sudden extension of the leg, indicating the status of
lumbar spinal cord. Similarly, the pupillary reflex. which is the contraction of the pupil to a light stimulus information on the status of certain brain areas.

They provide data on the presence or absence of organic lesions of nervous origin, traumatic aftermath, degree of recovery ... Ultimately, one could say that the highlights are a reflection of life.

Why diminish the reflexes?
Relying on the nervous system, reflexes are affected by accidents, infections, metabolic disorders, ingestion of drugs or alcohol.
Hence the importance of not drive or perform work that requires our full attention and responsiveness while we are in these situations.

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