It is of thin foliage and I expire. Their sheets are you cut, you alternate, sometimes fasciculadas of glaucous color; with 5 to 9 folíolos, more rarely with 3, entire, emarginados, in an obovado-elliptic and long way from 5 to 20 millimeters.
Their flowers are yellow and orange, grooved of red, papilionadas, long of 1 centimeter and prepared in hacecillos racimosos.
Although it is a leguminous one it produces fruit drupáceo, spherical or ovoid, of reddish and lucid color; their habitual size varies from 1,5 to 3 centimeters. It is edible and it flourishes in the month of September.
It is a South American plant that lives in a large part of Argentine Republic, some parts of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. In the last they are to the West of the same one.
The fruit is edible, sweet, of pleasant flavor and one of the main foods of the Indians of Great Chaco; it is made of him a fermented (it houses of chañar) drink, brandy and he/she is allocated estates antiasmáticas. With them he/she gets ready it wraps up.
The knowledge of its cortex with attaché of honey, is used as expectorant, particularly in the cough convulsa of the children. Also against the asthmatic cough.
The ritidomas (exfoliations of the cortex) used in decoction, they have given good results to combat the asthma.
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