Their sheets are opposed, in way lanceolada until lineal or lineal. lanceoladas, of entire edge narrowed toward their apex where they are extremely acute, long from 3 to 8 centimeters; their petiole doesn't pass of 4 millimeters.
White Flores, of 1 centimeter, not very more or less, of diameter, prepared in peduncles axillary trifloros and shorter than the sheets.
Their fruit is a spherical, red or orange buoy that measures about 5 millimeters of diameter; and he/she has sweet but extremely raw flavor. It is communio in almost all the places where this shrub class exists that is generally in mountain mounts.
It is used as ornamental plant in parks, tours and still in terms.
The name common of "myrtle" was given by the Spaniards that found to this specie similar to the myrtle (Myrtus communis) that he/she receives the names common of "myrtle", "murta" or "myrtle" in Spain. The infusion treiforme of its sheets has pleasant flavor when he/she gets ready using the quantity of 4 or 5 for cup.
As medicinal some prepares their fruits in form of liquor that is toned.
It is a rich plant in tannin.
The sheets in infusion (5 grams of fresh sheet in 100 of water) are used in stomach affections and as digestive.
The decoction of the same ones, 10 grams in 100 of water, it is used against the diarrhea.
The desiccated sheets, or roasted to a soft, and then powdered heat, they are used to cure the drop of the umbilical cord. They also use, with very good result, in the colds and against the cough, the infusion of the fresh sheets, 6 or 7 for cup, boiled one minute in milk, adding burned sugar.
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