
I ended with my couple

There are very powerful forces in this world and of all them the love is the supreme one, since it is able to make big things, as healing, to save the life of somebody to give sense to the life, to offer solidarity, to project the future, to engender a boy. The love also, is the sap of the big ideals, of the vocation, of the sense. Not there is loveless life and for those that are believing, the universe not and but an act of love of God. Be already about a wounded heart or of a hurt body, it is all told ésto that the love is the great mean.

It is logical then that when a couple ends one I/you/he/she is not only destroyed, but rather I/you/he/she loses all the measured securities when there is love that we have already mentioned in the previous paragraph. But many times, the love that we believed that it existed it was not actual, but an illusion caused by our body by the mere necessity of feeding of the love. But the more bad, many times, one is victim of the persecution of an ex.pareja. It is important to know that you can release of the influence caused by the former-couple. and there is a trick here to achieve it.

Ritual to come undone of the former-couple:

1-in a cloth of white color, it arranges a paper and he/she writes, with brush or marker, the persistent person's complete name in words big upper case (of printing), first of right to left, and below, of left to right.

2-TO part, it blends and a vessel: thick salt, pepper and some drops of vinegar. Revolve them well. It anoints your index finger in the mixture and he/she writes the name again above the one that already this writing.

3-while you make ésto, he/she says in high voice: "this act cuts your influence, it undoes your power, it withdraws your memory, it avoids your appearance. Veto of my life! In peace we are both." Make the same thing from left to right and he/she repeats the text that we have just exposed.

4-ribbon the mixture that was above that written and face a bun. Put this bun exactly in the freezer during 27 days. Past this time, reiterate it, wrap it in plastic and throw it to the water, very far your house.

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