These objects will act as protective talismans. The ideal thing is not to obtain them for your account, but rather you receive them free; or that give them to who love.
The dolphin. For their intelligence and talkative capacity, he/she helps to be taken well with other people. It is convenient to locate it in a place that you take always every time that you have meetings of any type, businesses, thesis defenses; everything that that is related with a feedback comunicacional. The dolphin will help you to that all this occasions are successful.
The turtle. The turtle is an animal loaded by a shell weighed for her body. In our life, ésto means that it is loaded with good energy, and that it transmits spirit tranquility and longevity. It is also related with the long term development of a project or business. You will receive or to give different of petty size, the effectiveness is increased this way.
The moon. This satellite is related with the creation capacity and acceptance, the image should be taken of the neck like hanging and to be given to a young woman.
The star of five tips. It is important only not to appeal to the star of five tips in yes, but rather this star is with the tip up. This element symbolizes the light and the spirituality. It should also be taken in the neck, or to locate it in an environment where you are generally to rest.
The magic eye. This is good to separate the eye wrong and to reflect the look of those who don't have good intentions. This eye will be made of glass, because apparently more actual it reinforces the revertimiento of the negative energy and its own material makes that the bad energy is refracted. It should be taken in the neck or in some accessory that is taken against the body.
The dice. It is very communio nowadays, and one could say that practically he/she has settled down as a fashion, taking dice in the key rings, chains, etc. in fact it is more convenient to leave them in a locus in quo the luck of the possessor of the same ones it is managed, since what you/they symbolize is exactly the future and the good luck in the same one.
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