It is herbaceous, of semi-woody, robust base, generally very ramosa; it reaches a height 60 centimeters not very more or less and he/she has indumento tomentoso or target-lanate.
Their sheets are of sheet oavada, something thick, rugose, of edge abnormally dentrado - crenado, subglabra in the higher face and densely white-tomentosa in the inferior one, from 3 to 5 centimeters long.
Their flowers are petty, of white corolla hardly salient of the chalice, prepared in spherical axillary verticiclos.
He/she lives in spontaneous state in almost everybody. It is easy to find it in landfills, banks of roads and also, near populations in general.
The horehound is an aromatic plant and of extremely acrid flavor. He/she has substances that influence on the organs of the respiration, for what is frequent that their tizanas is used against colds, bronchitis and asthma (20 or 30 grams of fresh plant in a liter of water).
Their toned and excitant qualities owe you at the beginning acrid that contain their sheets and the florid tops, being a valuable agent in the inappetence.
It excites the urinary secretions and it is recommended in the affections of the heart and of the liver.
The prolonged use of horehound tizanas has good effect to also combat the obesity.
The infusion of 10 grams, in a liter of water is spasmodic anti.
The infusions of the florid tops are more effective than that of the sheets.
The root is diruetic and it is used in the illnesses of the liver and kidneys.
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