Their sheets are you alternate, of soft sheet, ovado-rhombic until lanceolada, of entire edge, sinuado or with some tooth.
Their flowers are white, rotáceas, of a centimeter or less than diameter, prepared in summits lax umbeliformes pediceladas. The peduncle is of 2 or 3 centimeters, opposed to the sheets in general. The corolla is in star's form with the doubled petals (wolves) back. Stamens of 5, of yellow anthers. Their fruit is a berry of black color and from 6 to 8 millimeters of diameter. The peduncles generally bend down when the fruits mature. It flourishes in spring and in summer.
This grass is European and he/she lives spontaneously in many parts of the world. In our mean he/she behaves as overgrowth of little importance; as such he/she is also in aborted lands, banks of roads, railroads and other.
It should be used with much care. The young plants can be toxic.
It is lightly narcotic.
The shaft and the sheets are the most used thing. The desiccated plant has as much effect as the fresh plant if the desiccated one is made to the shade and quickly. Stove or constructive fire help for this process. The Moorish Herb has medicinal virtues since it is stimulant, sudorific and depurative.
The decoction in the proportion of 20 grams in a liter of water is the one that should be preferred.
The tizanas with sugar has effectiveness in illnesses of the skin, the colds and the chronic rheumatism.
The fresh (after being well washed), mashed sheets and applied on the skin he/she has good goods in eczemas, ulcerations and forúnculos.
The decoction in more proportion is good in laundries against hemorrhoidss. It is also it a pomade that is manufactured digesting to the heat fat or adeps ovillus with sheets of the fresh plant.
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