In the genital, the uterus is which suffers bigger quantity of modifications. Their volume quintuples passing of the 30 or 40 grams of habitual weight, to 1 200 or 1 500 grams. At the end of the third month it is appraised, for palpation of the stomach that stands out above the pubic bone, and in the fifth month it already reaches the navel. The ovaries maintain during the whole gestation the yellow body, remainder, I eat it is already known, of the old cavity that contained the ovum and later field producer of hormones. The vagina and the vulva more vascularizadas are, acquiring many times a coloration blued by the appearance of veins and even of varicose dilations, and it is observed an increase of their secretions or flow that, in start, it can be considered normal.
The mammas increase of size. It exists in them a pressure or swelling that many times are usually a precocious sign of pregnancy. The nipple is more and more pigmented and it is more erectile, flanked of an extensive and dark aureole. In the last weeks, a liquid usually segregates more or less opaque, called calostro that is very useful for the nutrition of the first days of the newly born one.
The abdominal walls suffer a progressive distension, and for repeated pregnancies or for a pregnancy of exaggerated volume, he/she takes place a failure of the abdominal muscles and the appearance, after the childbirth, of the stomach pendulum and of streaks that are consequence of the break of the fibers of this wall.
The remainder of the body suffers the consequences of the pregnancy equally. The weight usually raises about 10 kilograms during the nine months, with a rhythm from 1 to 2 kilograms every month to leave quarter delo. Bigger increases can indicate retention of fat and it dilutes, with the following hazards that it is necessary to avoid.
At the end of the pregnancy the heart increases lightly of size and he/she can give place to throbs or blasts, without transcendency, and that they disappear after the childbirth, because it is not about any injury, but of a transitory state. Changes can also appear in the voice and increase of the oxygen consumption.
The digestive system is also altered. It is frequent the appetite ullage in the first months and their increase later. Nauseas, vomits and constipation also appear. The gums bleed easily. The digestion and in general the whole intestine, they have a delayed feature. It raises the urination excretion when the urinary dilated channels being, that which favors the appearance of infections in this apparatus and he/she leaves as sequel many times, after the childbirth, urination incontinence and cystocele, that is to say, the urinary dilated bladder and drop. It is of current observation the increase of pigmentation in the skin, especially in the forehead, cheeks and nose, what constitutes the mask or cloasma gravídico. The genital, the areolas and the white line of the abdomen are also pigmented that becomes in moraine. Finally the psyche doesn't vary with the pregnancy, and if he/she makes it, it is only slightly, raising the irritability, the trend the dream, the instability, the depressive boxs encumber they are always boxs preexistentes that the pregnancy shows.
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