In the opposed end, if the power supply is scarce, the mother loses weight and the boy is born practically with the same weight; so much so that in last o'clock contained world, it was observed that the children of mothers prisoners in concentration fields registered when being born the normal weights, almost exactly the same as the children of very fed mothers; and it is that the whole caloric winch relapses on the woman.
The necessary calories are calculated among some 2 300 daily that will increase at 2 600 in the woman that works with corporal effort. The régime debit side to be complete and proportionate among the immediate different starts. An appropriate proportion can be: proteins (flesh, fish, eggs), 15 fat%, 30% hydrates of carbon (starches, potatoes, pastas, etc.), 55%. It is convenient to ingest about 80 or 100 grams of proteins daily in the form it decrypts, that is to say in form of animal proteins, as the flesh the fish, the eggs; or to share it fifty-fifty with the vegetable proteins that are the vegetables, the wheat and the oat. With 80 grams of flesh or fish, half liter of milk and an egg, they are completed daily, and in an enough way the necessities of proteins. The hydrates of carbon should be limited to about 350 daily grams that are in the sugar, the cereals and some fruits; and the fats should be calculated in about 70 daily grams that can be in the butter, the lard, the cheeses and the oleum.
To this series of immediate starts it is necessary to add minerals and vitamins that can be procured with any good one prepared commercial of positive effectiveness.
All woman pregnant debit side to acquire the habit of to eat slowly and to masticate well; of making moderate, but more frequent foods. The foods must be plain, avoiding the abuse of fried, the summation of spices, the sausages, the blue fish and the liquors. The tea and the coffee, if they don't excite, they can take.
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