It should also be kept in mind the importance that you had as erotic attraction the expression vivacity that puts in evidence the plastic sex characteristics with the biggest grade possible of life and movement. A human being endowed with certain motive exhuberancia, I activate and radiant, he/she has "sex-appeal (literally, call of the sex)." The individual searches in his sex partner like a pleasure of living to the one that will arrive through his person's lump-sum appropriation and of his contents.
The man searches, guided by the biologic necessity, to the woman and it attracts it to it allowing him/her to see the possibility to satisfy his sexual necessity, his virile pride, his fondness and his love. The woman searches the man, guided by the attractiveness of her intelligence, to be identified with him as soon as you/he/she represents the force and the surety. In the woman the affective diffuse pulse precedes to the sexual necessity and he/she gives sense to the same one. Then he/she will wake up the man's sexual necessity being satisfied her with a less physical and less differenciated satisfaction. The woman and it feels absolutely attracted by the man but he/she would choose the one that seems him/her more intelligent, stronger and more noted. Therefore, the woman basically monogram easily can be given to several, in a physical way, being this a passivity doesn't exempt of election. Mainly in the psychic plan.
In the two sexes the erotic excitations that cause the sexual attraction, considered in the individual's concrete status in state of sexual necessity, are not isolated stimuli or it adds of partial excitations. The sensorial data that represent are lake more than sensual bare stimuli: they are a group of stimuli. The visual image of contours, voice and looked seductoras, it is the call of the sex (sex-appeal). It is a conscious as long as identifiable attraction for the fellow like erotic, but it is at the same time, unconscious for biologic lawsuits and unaware to the individual.
Other factors of sexual attraction are for example, the image in movement that he/she takes a sexual immediate value, the couple's youth and their physical and psychic health. Nowadays the "sex-appeal" has you tecnificado extraordinarily, participating in this phenomenon the industry, the commerce, the fashion and the publicity. Anyway a "sex-appeal" abuse would lead to the search of new attractions of to sexuality in more exotic forms every time, as soon as the normal ones will be saturated as stimulants of the sexuality.
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