It is important to scan detailedly with the gynecologist, the habits of sexual activity. Some couples don't make coitus with the enough frequency so that a gestation happens times for religious reasons, there is who distance the sexual such relationships that don't take place in the moments of more fecundity. If the woman's cycles are short, and their relatively long menstrual periods, the ovulation can correspond to the period of abstinence. Or to the inverse one, the frequency of coitus can diminish or to overwork the capacity of production of the male's spermatozoa partially, reason why some days of rest they will improve the content of the ejaculation of this. Also, the position adopted during a coitus or after him, it can influence in the possibilities of the approach.
Among the lawsuits of sterility we can find: in the man, firstly the dysfunctions of the spermatozoa. When complete absence of them exists it is said that there is azoospermia; and when there is a decrease it is named oligoespermia. A normal man has in each ejaculation from 60 to 120 million spermatozoa for cubic centimetre. When there are less than 40 millions for cubic centimetre an oligoespermia it exists and it is difficult the fecundation. The ullage of spermatozoa can be due to an obturation, for lack of development of the channels male genital, or to adherences caused by tuberculous infections or old gonocócicas. Their decrease can also be due to hormonal dysfunctions. Another masculine dysfunction is the impotence, more or less hidden, and that it can obey organic lawsuits, when an illness of the penis exists, or to psychic lawsuits, among those that it can figure the repulsion more or less larvada toward the couple.
Another class of dysfunctions, they are the combined ones, that is to say that embrace the man and the woman. They are for example the barriers to the climb of the spermatozoa in a half vaginal one hostile, for abnormal mucus, acidity excess, inflammations of the neck of the uterus named cervicitis, among other.
In the woman, the same as in the man with the spermatozoa, they can exist the dysfunctions of the ovulation in the first place, with ovulation ullage or with ova of diminished vitality. The existence and accuracy of the ovulation can be determined by means of the basal temperature. The dysfunctions that produce an obstruction of the trumpets come later and they impede the step of the ovum from the ovary to the uterus; concretely it is this one of the most frequent lawsuits in feminine sterility and it is the result of a tuberculosis, gonococia or inflammations that have cured with adherences. They can also hinder more or less the coitus the vulva closed and the vaginismo that consists on a vagina spasm, sometimes very difficult of expiring. Likewise among the feminine lawsuits they should make an appointment the hormonal ones. Naturally, as much in the man as in the woman, the dysfunctions of the development are reasons of sterility.
The treatment of a sterility is complex, patient and I release. It should be continued and to be scanned each one of the parts of the genital apparatus of both spouses.
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