It possesses inferior sheets prepared in rosette, sometimes lifted, pecioladas, pinnatífidas, long from 15 to 25 centimeters, with terminal bigger or pettier wolf that the lateral wolves; the higher (caulinares) ones gradually reduced, being the most high in sheet lineal-lanceolada, of entire edge until largely hastadas or largely lobado-hastadas.
Their flowers are very petty, yellow and they are prepared in clusters or racimillos and they are supported by pedicelos from 1 to 2 millimeters.
Their fruit is the silículas, from 10 to 15 millimeters long, tight against the axis. It flourishes in spring.
It is a spice it would originate of Europe and he/she lives in adventitious form in America. In our mean it is something communio beside highways, roads, railroads and in suburban sidewalks.
The infusion or the decoction of the plant flourished in the proportion of 20 grams in a liter of water with good results in the hoarseness is used and in illnesses of the throat.
In more proportion it can be used in gargarisms.
The tizanas, in pettier proportion, is stimulant and expectorants in the laryngitis, pulmonary cold and in the aphonia for fatigue of the vocal chords.
The new sheets can be used as the watercress.
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