Their sheets are opposed, sometimes in verticilos of 3, sésiles, oval until oval-lanceoladas, they are long from 1 to 2 centimeters.
Their flowers are of color red minium or blue, from 5 to 8 millimeters of diameter, axillary, solitary, supported by thin peduncles, from 1 to 3 ½ centimeters long. Their corolla is rotácea, of 5 petals. 5 stamens. Gineceo of ovary súpero, spherical; I am used short.
The fruit is capsular (pixidio) of about 5 millimeters of diameter, with dehiscencia equatorial and numerous seeds.
It flourishes from October to November. He/she generally appears in fields, banks of roads, aborted lands and I eat overgrowth of gardens; still in the sandbanks of the coast platense.
It is used as medicinal from the antiquity, he/she has contradictory employments. Discórides praised to this grass against pains in general and especially quernstone pains, against humor of the nasal mucosas and the ulcers of the cornea. Also against chronic affections of the liver and kidneys.
It was formerly also considered as good detersivo and it was also used by the women to clean and to put smooth the complexion of the face. Others assure that it is toxic plant and that it can cause acute enteritis.
It seems to not be grass studied from the therapeutical point of view. For some it is used in decoction at the 20 for thousand giving good results to combat the asthma.
He/she also makes sure that their juice is corrosive and it can be used as sinapismos on the skin.
Although the infusion at the 10 for thousand, excites the secretion of the urination. It is also said that their tizanas was used with great success in the epilepsy. In Europe he/she had fame like antidote in the hydrophobia.
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