Their sheets are in rosette, put to bed, high or lengthened, of 1 ½ to 2 ½ centimeters wide, attenuated in the base, of abnormal edge, with big teeth, triangular, acute wolves and sometimes, almost entire or sinuadas, glabrous in the higher face and target-tomentosas in the inferior one.
Their flowers are yellow-orange, dimorfas, in solitary thick chapters on long axisim from 10 to 25 centimeters in general.
The Soothing Herb flourishes at the end of the spring and also in the summer.
It is a plant of the Rio Plata flora, also living in Brazil and in some counties of Argentine Republic.
He/she is usually found in stony fields, sometimes in the fields graminosos and in the sandbanks.
He/she has some likeness mainly in the chapters with the specie European Arnica Montana.
Of the Soothing Herb their flowers are used macerated in alcohol in the proportion of 200 grams in a liter of water, constituting an useful tincture in the wounds and bruisings.
This same tincture is used in dose from 10 to 80 during the day like stomach and sudorific sedative.
The infusion of the whole plant in the proportion from 40 to 50 grams in a liter of water, is used as stomach and digestive. This infusion should be very laundry because of the hair of the same plant that, ingested they take place, for mechanical share, irritation in the mucous ones.
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