Andrei Gudkov that work in the Institute Against Cancer Roswell Park, CBLB502, code that act has developed like name in this new drug that you protect to the healthy cells of the damages even caused by the radiation when this you go killing the cancer cells. The moment eureka arrived when Gudkov had the idea of putting one from the cagey tricks characteristic of the cancer to work of our side.
The trick is the apoptosis, or cellular suicide. When you are exposed to healthy cells to the radiation, even to dose that produce damages that can be fixed, that they make these instead of solving the damages you are to commit suicide. The cells of the spinal cord and those of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are particularly vulnerable.
The cells of the cancer, however, use several means to lock the apoptosis, that which allow that the cancerous tumors continue growing. One in the ways that use to lock the cellular suicide is the activation of an on the way to regulation known as NFKB, or factor-KappaB nuclear.
Imitating this trick of the tumor, Gudkov and your colleagues were able to lock the apoptosis in healthy tissues after having inserted flagelina, a protein elaborated starting from bacteria, in the tract GI stops this way to activate the road NFKB.
Then they administered your experimental drug based on flagelina in rhesus monkey and mice before exposing the animals (full-length) to similar radiation lethal dose to those that could receive during an emergency for nuclear leak. The drug, was administered between 15 minutes and one hour before the exhibition to the radiation.
The notable result of this experiment was that the spinal cord and the tract GI of these animals was protected of the typical destruction that cause the radiation, without visible side effects also took place. But what are even more excitant, is that the cancer cells died, such and like you were wanted, for the radiation treatment.
When the drug was administered based on flagelina to the mice one hour after receiving the high radiation doses, your percent of survival improved although the protection of the tissue was not as spectacular as when they were administered before the radioactive exhibition.
Gudkov has founded a company, Cleveland Biolabs Inc, with the objective of taking out this drug to the market. Your intention is to begin to use it so much in anticancer therapies like in biodefensa means. The Ministry of Defense of U.S. you are one of the several estamentos and government agencies that it finance the investigation.
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