From the chemical point of view, the soap is a salt obtained starting from the reaction between an alkaline (hydroxide of l sodium) base and an acid (fat or oleum). The process of the saponification that are the chemical reaction that transform the fat in soap - you require of the dilution of the corrosive soda in water.
The conventional methods to make the soap at home are two: to the cold or the heat.
The first, the plainnest and adapted to the beginner, allows to take advantage of the heat emitted by the chemical reaction of the alkali. The soap obtained with the method to the cold needs of a time of "maturation" of approximately four weeks to complete the process of the transformation and to absorb the liquid.
In the method to the heat, on the other hand the material receives an external font of heat (pan, oven) to accelerate the chemical reaction. The soap obtained with the method to the heat is I list at one time briefer but you have a much more rustic consistency the abnormal one that the one of the soap to the cold.
Before beginning to make the soap at home, you read the following recommendations of surety carefully and always apply conscientiously them:
1 - you conserve the corrosive soda outside of the reach of children or of domestic animals.
2 - the corrosive soda is sodium hydroxide formed (NaOH) by the ionic loop among the sodium, the oxygen and the hydrogen. You are a reactive unstable material and you unite swiftly with the liquids, also absorbing the air humidity. You are highly corrosive and irritating if you enter in skin contact and the mucosas.
3 - you use glasses, the rubber gloves and a mask when you manage the corrosive soda, the mixture of the water and corrosive soda and or the mixture with the fat material.
4 - you maintain the on gloves when you manipulate a soap recently fact, and you continue using it if you should manipulate the soap made with the method to the cold of less than two weeks of maturation.
5 - you measure the quantity of corrosive soda in vessels of plastic.
6 - you pour the corrosive soda in the water and never to the inverse one! The liquid poured in the soda causes kind of a very dangerous explosion.
7 - the corrosive soda poured correctly inside the liquid makes that this your temperature increases above the 80 grades. You use therefore you package heat-resistant and you pay carefulness.
8 - you don't use the tools of the soap for other chores. When you prepare the soap you don't leave that the children or the curious animals take contact with the corrosive mixtures. You put to your relatives in knowledge of these rules.
9 - you dedicate to the soap preparedness a calm space of your house and of your time. Not make soap while you are cooking, while you look at television or if at home there are people that don't pay attention to the rules of surety.
10 - in the event of an accidental contact of the corrosive material with the skin, wash you with cold abundant water. You remember to always have by hand vinegar that are a neutralizing one natural of the corrosive products. In the event of contact with the eyes should wash you with abundant water cold current and you consult to the physician.
Soap of to "melt and to pour"
They also exist two methods to already obtain bases lists to prepare the soaps. They can melt natural or industrial soaps, or to use glycerin of the type that use to make handmade ornamental (technique of to melt and to pour) soaps.
The variations are infinite. You are good to remember that, although the glycerin and all the complementary (the colors, aromas) products that are bought to prepare this type of products are obtained in lab, they cannot respect the standards that govern for the cosmetics. You are to observe the instructions of the ingredients in the label. Although the soaps of "melting and vertir" is considered ornamental" "objects, the probabilities that they end in skin contact you are high....
The Cold method
The method to the cold is the simplest and immediate system to prepare the soap. Coarse to follow some simple rules, to blend the ingredients and the nature will make everything the rest! Not to begin without having learned the rules of surety before.
To obtain a good soap to the cold it is necessary:
To weigh with extreme carefulness the ingredients because the minimum difference can ruin everything; to pay carefulness to the temperature of the corrosive mixture and of the fat material when you mix; to maintain isolated and calm the soap during the first hours of having carried out.
And you are not you swim well, to learn that to make the first test:
Base fat:
735 grams of olive oil;
250 grams of oleum of the coconut;
15 grams of beeswax.
For the corrosive mixture:
139 grams of corrosive soda;
300 grams of water
other ingredients:
From 15 to 20 essential oil ml (milliliters).
The ideal place to make the soap is the kitchen because you will find all that need by hand. You clear the work stipend to avoid "contaminations" with the foods; It can cover it with the old newspapers or with a rubber. Place you the gloves, the mask and glasses.
In a container of plastic heat-resistant) spite with the maximum carefulness the corrosive soda. In another container it measures the water. It can be good the pirex carafe to prepare coffee. You pour the water in a heat-resistant vessel (plastic or rustless steel)
You pour the corrosive soda little by little in the water, revolving to dissolve it well. Carefulness because the temperature of the water will arrive quickly to 70/80 grade. To arrange the covered container in a sure place so that you cool down a little.
Spite the olive oil and the coconut oleum, put them in a pot of rustless steel. You melt the beeswax and add it to the oleum. Warm to the minimum fire until the compound is not completely melted. You always maintain the temperature low.
You measure the temperatures of the corrosive mixture and of the fat mixture, you should arrive each one to 45 centigrade grades. You pour the corrosive solution smoothly in the fat material, revolving so that you incorporate well. Now it is the moment to use an apparatus hand mixer. You should spend subrate and some few seconds per time, making pauses to control the soap and to avoid that the motor of the apparatus is reheated.
This is a crucial aspect for the whole procedure! While you blend the soap you will note that you change color and consistency, putting on more and more whitish and creamy. You remove for a moment the mixer and you take with a tablespoon a small portion and allow it to fall inside the mixture. You observe if you remain in the surface during some seconds before collapsing. Some call to this point to "be able to write" in the surface of the soap. This fact will tell you that the moment has arrived of to retire the mixer and to pass to the final phase of the process. Now, using a tablespoon of the wood or a paring knife to blend the essential oil (that you are what will give you aroma) or any other preservative swiftly (color, dry flowers, objects)
You pour the soap in a mold. A can in a square or rectangular way is generally used with edges that they overcome the height of the future soap; covers it well. After 24/48 hours, using the gloves, you will be able to take out it outside of the mold and to cut it. This court operation is a very pleasant moment for the jabonista, higher to when individual molds are used.
You put the soap on a packing paper, in an aerated, fresh place and I dry off. The causticity of the product will go diminishing progressively and the soap will be clever after 4 or 5 weeks. You remember that the soap is as the wine: The more he/she ages your quality well
Fat and oleums used in the soap production. Almost any fat or oleum you can use to make soap. The fats for the soap production include the such animal fats as suet (of the bovine flesh), hog's lard, (pig fat) and the derivative oleums of different plants (olive, corn, sunflower, etc.) and the hydrogenated fats. The animal fats have different hardness, the cow suet is hard, the hog's lard of half hardness and the softest chicken fat. You are generally accepted that the hardest fats make a better soap.
You are a multiplicity of fat and each one brings your unique own qualities to the soap. If you want to know that you will make a particular fat, you only make a small production of that fat and you see how results get. Armed with this knowledge you can blend the fats to give to your soap the qualities that you want.
He that the fat materials are clean should assure and free of sludges. Not it should be rancid, to have excess of salt, neither to contain solid particles. The rancid and impure fat can be cleaned boiling it for some minutes in a big pot with four parts of water for each part of fat. A to be boiled allows it to cool. Once solidified, you remove the fat of the pot in a single piece. A form to make this is to heat with hot water the exterior of the pot, this melts a thin layer of fat inside the saucepan and you will go out with more easiness. When you retire the barilla of fat you rasp all the dirt that will have been in the bottom of the fat. If you continue impure, you repeat the process of cleaning another time.
Which are your best fats for the soap production?
The soap made with the hog's lard 100% doesn't make foam but you clean marvelously. You exist the preconcepto that the soap should make foam so that you clean, this is not certain. But if anyway you want bubbles, you can use diverse oleums.
Diverse oleums that they make foam:
The oleum of the coconut gives big, soft bubbles. Soap with 100% of coconut oleum is used in the ships because the only one that will even make foam in sea water. The soap with oleum of the coconut can be a raw one in the skin some people.
The olive oil gives very fine, silky bubbles. This oleum is very good for the skin. You use at least 25% of these oleums like part of your total fat to get the wanted effect.
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