This science, searches to elaborate the man's global understanding and of the world, being based on an own methodology through which the spiritual worlds are approached.
Then, keeping in mind the philosophy of the being's car-knowledge, the diverse applications of the anthroposophic point of view should be taken as technologies that model the human subjectivity to transform our own behaviors consciously and to meditate on our desires.
As the being's" "technologies, these represent forms in those that the individual acts on itself, expressing a different way to be in the world. In other words, they express a peculiar form of the quotidian existence conceptualized as cult to the health, the interior knowledge and the harmony with the other ones living-
With this therapy class in the children, for example, the fact is achieved them to acquire a new capacity been founded in a conscious notion about your movements and pansies, producing a therapeutical effect in the boy's spirit that lead to your reestablishment.
The field of more important application of this curative science, is the pediatrics, being about affections like: allergies, mainly bronchial asthma and polinosis; dysfunctions of the pneumatización and infectious defense; and dysfunctions psicomáticos like fears, sleep disturbances, night enuresis, migraine, bulimia and anorexy.
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