The infantile neuroses should be previously to the consolidation of the problem in issue; otherwise your sequels will crawl a lifetime. The school phobia on the other hand that spread to begin about the 3 or 4 years of age, it can rebound in the boy's social relationships and in your performance. You are known that you affect more to the children than to the girls, but the lawsuits of this generic distinction are ignored.
The specific phobias are habitual in the childhood; I eat for example to the dogs or winches, darkness, among other; although the correct thing is that the boy, as you grow you acquire the necessary surety to reject those irrational fears and you find other channels to come undone of your pressures. If the fears last after the first adolescence, the problem has been set up.
In general, the phobia doesn't usually have an explanation racinal. The same one phobic, you argue that you are about bare "foolishness", but the certain thing is that it cannot be controlled optional or it can derive others. So, near 60% of those who suffer social phobia, end also suffering other phobias, depression and wonderful disorders. You are communio to hear in the queries, so fatidical reflexines as for ejemlo this: "Not I can accept an invitation, I cannot leave my house." Many experts consider these dysfunctions fruit of an interior conflict that the person has not been able to overcome in your moment and that you should be compensated in some way.
for other side, you are normal that the phobic one rejects your problem: you prefer to forget it and to avoid as much as possible, what frighten you. The own feature of the phobia like sequence of a traumatic association of the childhood, note us to a solution: you should be related with a positive sensation. Your cure is complex and laborious, for which should trust to a professional and to be carried out in a gradual way. To allow the time to happen doesn't make more than to worsen the status.
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