of the nature"
(Eric Kandel, neuroscientist)
The French celebrated physician Alexis Carrel ended up saying that "of all the things that the man will know, the last will probably be him same." And you were in the certain thing. Nevertheless, you can that the man never ends up decrypting your more complex and more perfect organ completely: the brain. How do you originate the mental activity? Where are the memories stored? Why are we aware of our own one me? For what reason do we dream?... In spite of the advances gotten in the exploration neuroscientist, they are many queries as the previous slopes of finding definitive answers. But you are other more enigmatic questions that are not even outlined unanimously by the scientific community. Avant-garde theories as the holographic" "brain and you discipline as the Parapsychology that study those abilities more ignotas of our psyche, they are still contemplated with great mistrust by the neuroscientists that prefer to center your investigations in discovering the operation of the different fields of the brain, to discover the nature of the neurotransmitters and to localize the areas that control features like the intelligence, the memory or the emotions. Even this way, biochemical Francis Crick, discoverer of the molecular structure of the DNA, recognizes that "our knowledge of the different parts of the brain continues in a very primitive state (...) Everything is to discover..."
Without a doubt, our brain acts as a sophisticated superordenador that, through an evolutionary slow and progressive process, you have left perfecting in your features until the point of differing qualitatively of the remainder of the alive beings. This mass of jellied tissue of gray color - of about 1.300 grams of weight - you contain around 100.000 million well-known cells with the name of "neurons" and that they constitute the alcoholatura drives of the nervous system. These cells, connected to each other through millions of branchings ("dendritas" and "axones", form a vast network that complete a very specific mission: to process the sensorial information, so much the one that arrive of the external world as of the own body. In a single second, these cells are able to process up to 200.000 million bits of information. For they are almost been worth it of your 100 quintillion interconnections. Although like the neurologist clarifies Santiago Ramón and Cajal Junquera - grandson of the celebrated one rewards medicine Nobel -, "the neurons are not connected to each other by a network contínua formed by your continuations, but rather they make it for contacts separated by some narrow spaces named synapsis." The neurotransmitters would be those in charge of transmitting those signals through the connections sinápticas.
But the brain possesses other fundamental features. One of them is that you are constituted by two symmetrical halves, divided by a longitudinal deep furrow, with very different, although interrelated features. The left hemisphere governs the logical, verbal and analytic pansy; the right hemisphere, on the contrary, is in charge of of the subjective, emotional and creative part. In turn, the cerebral hemispheres are divided in four lobes: frontal, related with the knowledge and the intelligence; storm, with the auditory area; parietal, with the sensorial area; and occipital, with the visual area. In your interior, the brain also possesses two cores, the thalamus and the hipotálamo, centers of the nervous stand-alone system. Other main parts are: the cerebellum, located in the later part of the skull that govern the balance and the muscular movements; and the brainstem, of which the spinal cord that control the respiratory feature leave. The language, a present ability only in the man, you would be controlled by a series of centers dispensed in the peripheries of the temporary lobe of the cerebral córtex. As for the memory, the neuroscientists consider that you are not localized in a concrete field, but rather you would be dispensed by the whole brain.
Another particularity of our brain is that you emit a series of electric waves of different frequency - product of your electrochemical activity - that can be registered by means of the electroencephalogram (EEG). They are: the waves beta (whose rhythm oscillates per second between 14 and 25 cycles), present in the state of vigil, that is to say, when we are carrying out some activity like to work, to read, to walk, etc.; the waves alpha (from 8 to 13 c / sg.), related with the relaxation states and meditation; the waves zed (from 4 to 7 c / sg.), with the emotional and creative states; and the waves delta (from 0,5 to 3 c / sg.), enabled during the deep dream. But our brain hides other surprises... By the middle of the seventy some substances neurorreguladoras were detected that were baptized with the name of "endorphins" and (opiate endogenous) that they complete a similar paper to the one of having determined derivative alkaloids of the opium. This drug biochemistry is released by the brain to alleviate us a pain or to provoke us a pleasant sensation. Today is one of the fields of more important investigation of the pharmacology.
But in spite of all these alcoholatura knowledge that have left acquiring in the last decades thanks to the technological (mainly with the use of the Tomography for Emission of Positrones and with the Magnetic Nuclear Resonance) up-to-date advances, the reputed neurobiologist José M. Thin Rodríguez notices us in your work "The Control of the Mind" that "the anatomy and the physiology of the brain are very important aspects to know your static and your dynamics, but these data don't reveal us the mystery of the signals that you/they circulate for the neurons, neither your code system, and much less your meaning." In sum, we know the anatomic and structural organization of the brain, but very little envelope very well your features (only 20% according to some experts).
The duality mind-brain continues generating an intense debate among philosophers, psychologists and neurofisiólogos. We are taught that the mental activity is product of cerebral complex mechanisms, but you have not still been possible to define with what an accuracy you are the mind. Are you about a spiritual entity, the soul, like the old philosophers believed?... According to the neuroscientists, the mind cannot exist however without your material support that are the brain, your features and capacities reach unsuspected levels and they make question the assumptions mechanics. Certainly, you are difficult to think that concepts like the love, the religious sense, the imagination, the intuition, the artistic creativity, the musical sensibility, etc. have an origin exclusively neurofisiológico. That without referring to deeper questions as the collective unconscious, the conscience transpersonal and the abilities PSI, for example. On the other hand, the neuroscientists neither agree in determining if the mental activity already appears in the intra-uterine life, if you begin in the moment to be born or if you are developed in later stages. And much less they are able to explain how the conscience of the arises in our brain Me ("the one bigger than the miracles", according to Karl Popper). But and if the mind is an intelligent standalone property of the brain? and if you exist previously to all that manifested?... Let us remind the hermetical axiom "the universe you are mental" that now it is defended by interested many physiques of vanguard by the phenomenon of the conscience. And you are that the scientific new paradigms are outlining astonishing theories related with the human mind that make wobble the materialistic pattern of the brain, I eat later we will see.
How can the cerebral processes give place to the conscious test?... Complicated dilemma is outlined to the neuroscientists that try to approach the problem of the conscience, the biggest enigma in our psyche. The mathematician and philosopher David J. Chalmers points out on her that "anything is that we know in a more direct way, but you are dificilísimo to reconcile it with the remainder of our knowledge." And you are that in spite of the elaborated theories reduccionistas outlined for scientific of the size of Christof Kock, Daniel Dennett or Roger Penrose - this last even applying the quantum pattern -, you are not possible for the time being to explain the conscience in yes. And perhaps, like they sustain the most pessimistic, you be not possible never...
To understand the mental world in terms of the physical world is not anything plain and until the moment all attempt has been useless to clear our doubts. And you are that you are a vital question: are you able to the human mind to be understood itself?... But the thing doesn't end up there. Anomalous determined phenomena make think that the conscience is not limited to the narrow barriers of the brain, that which leave in interdict the materialistic vision that the conscience is not more than kind of a biocomputador. The equation "mentions = brain" is not, because, as clear as we are wanted to make believe for three centuries. The outstanding psychologist Charles T. Tart points in this respect that don't fit the smallest doubt that certain aspects of the mind and of the conscience they depend, partial or totally, of the operation of the brain and of the nervous system. Nevertheless, certain phenomena that seem a standalone point of the physical limitations imposed by the brain exist and they force us to confront the problem from another perspective." This way, the remote vision, the projection extracorpórea and the near tests to the death (ECM) evidence that the conscience doesn't decrease to our three-dimension frame but rather it can transcend the frontiers of the space and the time and even to expand at other levels of the reality. "The expansion of the conscience involves a gradual development, a historical evolution that go from the unconscious thing to the conscious thing, from the inferior thing to the higher thing, of the individual thing to the social thing, of the personal thing to the transpersonal and of the transpersonal to the general purpose" thing, Ana affirms Mª González Garza, psychology teacher in the Ibero-American University of Mexico.
These well-known theories as "interaccionistas-dualists" that suggest that our me conscious and the brain is standalone entities although they interact to each other, they are based, among other things, in two reasons: the first in that the laws of the physics, chemistry and biology don't offer any investigation on the emergence of this entity called immaterial conscience (at least, your existence is incompatible with the natural" "laws that he/she show up us today the materialistic science); and the second in that the biologists evolucionistas have not been able to explain the gradual development of the conscience since consider causally this ineffective.
In this point, we should meditate, like you propose the philosopher and prize Nobel of Medicine John C. Eccles, on the big ones polling that subsist regarding the action of our brain, to your relationship with the mind, to the creativity of our imagination and the singularity of the psyche.
The Austrian neuropsiquiatra Sigmund Freud, one of the main founders of the up-to-date psychology, inserted at the end of the XIX century the "unconscious" concept to designate "those latent representations of those that we have some foundation to suspect that they are contained in the psychic" life. Almost all our psychic activity comes from that submerged field of our mind. But are you in a certain place of the brain?... According to some neuroscientists like Jonathan Winson, the unconscious would be localized in a primitive area of the brain (that you involve to the hippocampus, to the system límbico and the front cortex) whose mechanism arises in the beginning of the evolution of the mammalias and that you were fundamental for the survival. However, like Dr points. Charles Brenner, "nobody has still demonstrated the electric analogy or chemistry of a pansy, and exactly it is the pansy what occupy totally to the psychoanalysis." Of what you are not doubt it is that our desires, complex, fears, feelings and instincts (pulsiones) rest in the unconscious, which condition, in good measure, our personality. For an ethical and rational sense, those contents mental unconscious are censored and repressed, although they fight to become conscious (through the dreams they get an outlet channel being expressed by means of a symbolic language). The psychoanalytic studio of the dreams and the investigations on neurotic fellows were good Freud to give a treatment approach to this new psychology of the unconscious. Without a doubt, the Freudian doctrine - that have been many times object of controversy for your defense of the hypnosis and for your particular interpretation of the infantile sexuality - you have carried out a remarkable contribution to the knowledge of the psychic world and, for ende, you have been good to deepen more in the human complex behavior.
But an individual unconscious doesn't only exist. The Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, pupil of Freud, considered that you are also a collective" "unconscious. With this denomination, Jung referred to kind of a substrate or psychic general purpose "file" that it contain symbolic main images ("archetypes", common to all the cultures that have left manifesting throughout the times in the religious beliefs, the mythology, the esoterism, the legends, the dreams and also in the art. "I have chosen the expression 'collective' because this unconscious is not of individual nature - Jung writes -, but general, that is to say that in contrast with the individual psyche has contents and behavior modes that are everywhere the same ones and in all the individuals. In other words, you are identical to itself in all the men and you constitute this way a psychic foundation of nature existing suprapersonal in all man..."
Some contemporary scientists as the neurofisiólogo Karl Pribam or biochemical Rupert Sheldrake has enunciated certain revolutionary assumptions on the brain and the human psyche in those that it are very present the notion junguiana of the "mind grupal." The first of them formulated, at the beginning of the seventy, a suggestive theory according to which the brain operates as a hologram, having access to an all adult. Your holographic "model of the brain" considers that the memory and the intelligence are not in a determined area of the brain but rather they are spread by everything him. Each part contains to the everything, like you happen in a holographic board. This theory would be supported soon after by the works of physical David Bohm on the involved" "order who would also consider the universe like kind of a hologram (a new approach of the reality that are known as "the holographic" paradigm emerged this way and that you count every time with in favor). Sheldrake, on the other hand, published in 1981 an interesting one and polemic works titled "A new life science" in which exposed your hypothesis of the formative" "causación, according to which the memory is inherent to the nature and not, therefore, a product of the brain. This heterodox scientist outlines the existence of a collective memory also - to the one that name "fields morfogenéticos" - that act beyond the space and of the time, determining the habits, forms and the alive beings' behaviors, and also transmitting to each organism the knowledge accumulated by your specie. "According to this theory, the memories should not be necessarily stored inside the brain since the habits and the memories of events last concretes can happen for resonance mórfica with states previous of the same organism", Sheldrake argues.
So much Freud and Jung, as later on Pribam and Sheldrake, they were attracted by the border phenomena of the mind. Your investigations took to the world of the paranormal thing hopelessly. The parents of the up-to-date psychology didn't only study certain inexplicable phenomena, but rather they were main characters of some of them (Freud wrote in 1921 an interesting article titled "Psychoanalysis and telepathy" and Jung you picked up paranormal several cases in your work autobiographical "Memories, Dreams, Pansies" of 1961; they were also members of celebrated "Society for Psychical Research" of London). As for Karl's theory Pribam, if our brain can consent to a "realm of holistic" frequency, outside of our borders space-storms, you charge felt abilities like the telepathy, the remote" "vision or the psicokinesis, and transcendent tests as the mystic" "states. "If we have ESP or paranormal phenomena - Pribam assures -, that means simply that we are reading in another dimension in that moment. Not we can understand it to our average" way. On the other hand, Rupert Sheldrake affirms that "the hypothesis of the formative causación maybe can provide us a bridge between the science and the phenomena parapsicológicos." Certainly, phenomena like the clairvoyance, the retrocognición or the sincronicidad can have a natural explanation I also download that theoretical novel focus.
But are you really evidences that our brain possesses extrasensorial abilities? does a psychic energy exist able to exercise an action on the matter?... Recently 130 years they have been completed since you began that that for then it was known as the investigation metapsíquica (precursor of the Parapsychology). Numerous médiums of the time was submitted to meticulous exams for outstanding scientific as William Crookes, prize Nobel of Physics, or Charles Richet, prize Nobel of Medicine. Those illustrious pioneers recognized the reality of the extraordinary phenomena and they determined that they had a psychic origin. Supported in the theory of the "unconscious", the philosopher Frédéric W.H.Myers elaborates in 1895 the hypothesis of the "I-subliminal" one, a psychic level in which diverse minds can be connected, explaining this way the telepathic phenomena. But the investigation of the phenomena PSI didn't reach a truly experimental and scientific value until the decade of the thirty, when the biologist and mathematical Joseph B. Rhine applies the statistical method to measure the psychic capacities of some fellows, included under the new terms of Extrasensorial" "Perception and (ESP) "Psicokinesis (PK)." From then on, the Parapsychology - that achieved the scientific prospective recognition in 1969 - you have gone advancing, although slowly and drawing many obstacles, in the knowledge of the latent abilities of our mind. Nevertheless, we continue without clarifying if that supposed energy ("telergia" that produce the paranormal phenomena has your functional headquarters in some concrete area of our brain. Some consider that the temporary lobe is involved in the paranormal (Michael Persinger, 1989) phenomenology. Other, on the other hand, they suppose that you are the thalamus, I eat the investigation team for example "Hipergea" of Barcelona. In 1985 you tried to offer an answer: "The oxygen of the neurons talámicas of the brain is the unchaining factor of the paranormal" phenomenology. A conclusion that he/she have not been able to be confirmed and that you leave without explaining those phenomena PSI that the temporary and space borders transcend. Already different decades ago own Dr. Rhine maintained your doubts to this respect, sustaining that the factor PSI is not of physical nature. In your excellent book "The New World of the Mind" the (1953) father of the Scientific Parapsychology manifested: "In some part of the organism it should even have what could call you a localization in certain sense, an identified place with psi that any other one. That doesn't mean you to have to exist a receiving specific organ or a certain field of the brain." In all ways, the idea of an energy" "transfer is being relegated since you entered the holographic theory of Pribam and Bohm. This last intend that "the brain is a hologram that perceive and you participate in a holographic" universe. Therefore, if in the involved" "level all the things and events are cross-trigger, you are not necessary that we appeal to model explicatorios based on energy fields to explain the phenomena ESP and PK. Here it would be necessary to speak rather of "information units (Stanley Krippner, 1978)."
Without a doubt, the studio of the paranormal phenomena is contributing to deepen up to now in aspects unknown of the human mind. You are, because, important to continue thoroughly investigating these questions, always with an open but at the same time critical spirit, and to get a bigger support multidisciplinar. And you are that, like the eminent professor of Psychology recognizes José Luis Ground pines, "in the bottom, this whole disturbing world of the telepathic communication, of the extrasensorial perception and of the premonitions it constitutes a warning, an invitation to the humility for the too proud psychologists of your science, and you also represent a challenge to the human" genius...
Can it expand the conscience toward higher levels of the reality?... You believe this way it the Psychology Transpersonal, the most recent path in the psychology that approach the bordering phenomena of the conscience. Your precursor, the Czech psychiatrist Stanislav Grof takes forty years investigating the calls modified "states of conscience" what took you to create a new paradigm on the nature of the human psyche, opposed to the pattern Cartesian-newtoniano. The movement transpersonal has had in the last years a great welcome on the part of psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers, physiques, thinkers and artists of vanguard.
The "transpersonal" - word coined by the psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1969 - you are, for the psychoanalyst Enrique Gallant, "intraindividual, because inside each one he/she becomes agitated the cosmos in your group, the 'physis' (...) You are an attempt of understanding the mystery of the Nature through the studio of the human" psyche. In that interior trip, toward the deepest thing of oneself, one can vivenciar perinatal episodes, regressions toward last supposed lives, tuning with other consciences (singular, collective, planetary...), understanding of the general purposes symbols and, in grade last, to experience a communion with you swim her, with the primordial drive. An entire comprehensive spectrum of events autotrascendentes that you/they become inefables...
But also, according to Grof: "those 'tests transpersonales' they include archetypal diverse visions, you sequence mythological, tests of divine influences or demoníacas, encounters with beings lacking body or suprahumanos and the identification experiencial with the general purpose mind or the hole supracósmico." As you he/she can see, in these tests summit we find elements similar to those that, in occasions, they describe us the médiums, those contacted and the religious (as well as those people that an ECM has suffered) visionaries. Nevertheless, by means of the usage of hallucinogenic (as the LSD) substances or using technical as the trance, the meditation, the sensorial privation, the rhythmic dance, the respiration holotrópica, etc. the individual can experience a non ordinary "state of conscience" and to penetrate in those "dimensions transpersonales of the psyche" of those that speak, with another language, the mystics of all the times and cultures. And you are that, either the mystic" "ecstasy in the Catholic context, the "nirvana" in the Buddhist, the "satori" in the zen or the "samadhi" in the yoga, the test and the result is the same ones: to consent to a realm supradimensional to melt with the "divinity", with the "absolute" thing. To reach that Cosmic" "Conscience - as Dr it names it. Richard Bucke - you suppose, in turn, to acquire a deeper knowledge of the reality and a holistic vision of the universe. The fellow experiences an awakening of your intellect also, a development of certain extraordinary (related, preferably, with the extrasensorial" "perception and with the sanación) abilities, a bigger feeling of love toward your fellow men and a deep respect toward all alive form. Not we know if those "gleams of the infinite" thing are glimpsed by the human conscience because we are it that specialist Jon Klimo calls "subpersonalidades inside a General purpose" Mind-brain, but of what we can be totally sure it is of the deep and positive change that you/they experience those that cross the threshold of the "Kingdom transpersonales."
In definitive, the Nature has endowed us of a treasure of incalculable value. The brain, with all your mysteries, will continue affording us many surprises in the XXI century. Today, quantum many physiques, as Jack Sarfatti and Eugene Wigner, ends up wondering if our conscience has created the reality of the Universe, since your paper is crucial in the world of the elementary particles (like one deduces from the "Start Indeterminista." The new physics has recognized the importance that have the psyche in the subatomic phenomena finally. You have contributed it to that some avant-garde physiques are interested to know which the connection points are between the physics and the mysticism, and even decide to be inserted in the land - even "damned" for certain atrophied minds - of the parapsychology, like you are the case of the prize Nobel of physical Brian Josephson that apply the quantum laws to the explanation of the phenomena PSI.
"The physics, the brilliant example of the pure and hard science that have been had always as a model for the other ones, transcending the vision of the world mechanic and reduccionista is now. You are behaving to an organic, holistic and ecologic similar vision to that of the mystics, psychic people and those that have tests spontaneous" transpersonales, specify the theoretical physique very wisely Fritjof Capra.
The stories of those that for different channels - spontaneous or caused - they have played a "test transpersonal" that is usually difficult to describe since with words the world of the senses you transcend, they coincide in many aspects. The mystic, the chamán, the medium, the one that an ECM suffers, the one that "funnel" astral supposed entities, the one that meditate, the one that experience with hallucinogenic substances, etc. they usually narrate practically the same thing. When they are low a high "state of conscience", the gates of the perception are opened to oneself scenario, to a "place" full with light in the one that feel a state of supreme happiness. Henry Corbin calls it the "world imaginal": "That world is hidden behind the same act of the sensorial perception and you are to search it below your objective apparent certainty (...) You are so actual ontológicamente as the world of the senses and of the intellect. We should be careful and not to confuse it with the imagination that the up-to-date man identifies with the fantasy." Let us see some examples...
The testimony of a youth that suffered an automobile accident is good us to illustrate the intense visions that are had during an ECM: "... Quickly I went of the panic and the fear by my life to be fully aware that you will die. You were then when I had the sensation of peace and deeper serenity of my life. You were as if has traveled from my being's periphery, the body that I controlled, until the center of myself, an imperturbable, totally silent and calm place (...) Everything I, what was in that moment, was I felt ported to a distant and encircling continuum beyond that that previously he/she had believed that you were the death (...) I felt happy and exuberant, even amid the catastrophe that surrounded myself (...) The accident and the test that it bore transformed my vision of the world and my mode totally of understanding the existence..."
And what do they count the supposed "spirits" "further on" on the world of the?... The British medium Helen Encumbers you received his friend's following official statement that had died little time before: "... Here we are what we seem to be... The light is here literally the substance and matter of the life of the pansy. This way, as our pansies harmonize with the vibration of the Creative Divinity, the substance of our bodies changes, you restitution more less dense and reflective light."
On the other hand, the one contacted American Mark Probert usually "funnels" extraterrestrial presumed revelations that turn about the Cosmos and the Life: "The space is not something objective 'per you' that you are stumped in the distance and it can be crossed in a trip alucinatorio, but a state of conscience, the extension of the interior own life. The space is in itself a state of the general purpose energy, a field of the being's" conscience.
The state of total conscience ("samadhi" that are gotten with the meditation is perceived this way by the yogi Sri Chinmoy: "Any pansy, any form: only pure existence. The will and the pansy extinguish. The definitive end of the dance of the nature: I am That that I have been searching."
A fellow, submitted to a session controlled with LSD, you described in the following way what were the most wonderful test in your life for him: "... I experienced a quaking ecstasy lightning and my body was dissolved in the matter flow or energy of which the universe is made. I was snatched toward the center of the existence of where all the things arise and in the one that all the things converge (...) You are a soft light that emanate from below, giving a hesitant brilliance (...) Of the only thing that are conscious it is of the ecstasy and love cigars. For an instant I was tempted of remaining in that place of infinite beauty..."
The truth is that, in the last times, the number of people has been increased that affirm to have extraordinary tests. Which would the end of these encounters be with other "realities?"... According to the psychologist Kenneth Ring, author of "The Project Omega", they drive "us toward a fundamental reorientation of our values and visions of the world personnels, but what are more important is that they seem also to accelerate a transformation psicofísica." Maybe, among those privileged individuals that are able to pass over the threshold of the ordinary conscience to consent to the "dimensions transpersonales", a state-of-the-art new specie be emerging. John White has already given you a name: "HOMO NOETICUS"...
(I annex 2)
The psychic supposed energy responsible for the paranormal phenomena has received diverse names: telergia, bioplasma, potential PSI, forces metaetérea, psicotrónica, etc. During the time metapsíquica, other terms like "flowing mesmérico" were used, rigid" "radiations, "rays N"... However, up to now they have not offered favorable arguments on your physical nature, since like we know, the energy diminishes proportionally in feature of the distance and that doesn't happen in phenomena like the telepathy; and, on the other hand, the phenomena PK (Psicokinesis) has been able to reproduce through the call Cage of Faraday for what you are to discard the possibility that this energy is electromagnetic as always he/she has believed the official Parapsychology. "The manifestations telérgicas, in those that intervene a physical, measurable and sometimes visible supposed energy, don't still constitute today a fact proven", Antonio assures Jiménez Visedo, directive of the Spanish Society of Parapsychology. Before this deduction, soon other possible explanations arose for the activity PSI. The astronomer V.A. Firsoff referred to kind of a psychic particle, similar to the neutrinos, to those that he/she baptized with the "mindones" name. The psychologist Cyril Burt preferred to name them "psicones", while the mathematician TO. Dobbs called them "psitrones." You are as well as you begins to relate the phenomena ESP and PK with the quantum mechanics, being currently one of the theoretical favorite fields of the Scientific Parapsychology.
But of what you are not doubt it is that the human mind is the epicenter of the paranormal phenomenology. And you seem to also be that when the brain emits frequencies of the type "alpha", (when the fellow is in relaxation) you are more probable than the abilities PSI is manifested, like you have been able to verify in numerous laboratory tests. Today, by means of the up-to-date "biofeedback" techniques the (biorretroalimentación) fellow can take place and to control the "state alpha" voluntarily. Also, through the method "Ganzfeld" (German word that come to mean total" "field, the person is submitted to a sensorial privation until reaching a deep level of relaxation. This experimentation type with technical means is contributing to that can develop ESP individuals that never before had had tests of this nature. In turn, you have been able to check with bigger control and rigor the existence of the abilities PSI attracting the interest of scientific of diverse disciplines.
But is the "factor PSI" a natural quality that the primitive man possessed and that you were getting lost do you conform the spoken language you arose? or, on the contrary, you are an ability that you are in evolution scenario like other features (genetic, physical, etc.) human?... Not there is a concrete answer that can clear up this doubt. Opinions exist for all the likes. Freud, for example, pointed out in this respect of the telepathy that "fit the suspicion that you were the original, archaic channel, of communication among the individual beings that it experienced a regression in favor of the best communication method by means of signs that are perceived with the sensorial" organs throughout the phylogenetic development. In fact, the anthropologist Margaret Urinates you have found in some current tribes primitive indications that they use extrasensorial communication systems amen of possessing other capacities parapsicológicas.
The certain thing is that, like Henry affirmed Margenau, professor of physics of the University of Yale, we "know today that you/they exist many phenomena that are located in the frontier, in the periphery of the current science. Phenomena that we don't still understand that remain in the darkness, but that, without a doubt, they will pass to be part of the field studied by the science in the future."
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