Among these, we find or we can meet with possibilities of neurotic answers or psicóticas.
In this system is also an intrinsic narrow relationship with the endocrine system, but specifically with the gland hypophysis, and through which you arrives to the Development, Increment and the fellow's Maturation.
Through these factors that are important in the fellow's life, we see an aspect in the one that like Bleger would say, in words of Lagache: ".el man is a man in status". for what Filloux contributes, as much as same Bleger that the man is historical, I sum up, only and social, and that this is called by Filloux, personality, the one that are variable standalone, irrepetible; and that to the fellow it is necessary to analyze it from two dimensions, a longitudinal (your historicity) one and another crosswise (the fellow's current moment) one that it take us to be able to observe a behavior and the why of this.
Understanding to the behavior like a "functional complex" system, where you are motivations, emotions, given by the psychic energy and that you help us to be able to display it. On the other hand he/she is the structuring aspect for that the fellow structures the reality to be able to act on her, as they are it the perception, the memory, the pansy and the language and that you conform an everything in the personality and you are it you make you to be this a being in status.
These psychic phenomena, they can be seen throughout the history, like forms of to think and to act characteristic of the context where they had your origin, without which we could not end up understanding them. This form of thinking, like in old Greece that put your interest in being about understanding to the world in higher beings' hands through the myth, with the step of the time the old ones began to understand the usote the reason in your answers, taking away from the mythical thing. As philosophers we can name to Such of Mileto that allocated to the water (essence of the water) the origin of all the things. Heráclito, Anaximandro, Anaxímenes, etc., they spoke of Phycis like the origin of the things (naturalistic philosophers).
But you take Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, among other, they had a different look, giving importance to a higher being, being this recaptured by Christian philosophers in S V for San Agustín, and in XIII S for Sacred Tomás with the scholastic one; during the Half Age the pansy of old philosophers is recaptured, since they believed these authors, as the old ones that ended up recognizing a higher being, with the difference that the church of the Half Age, named them pagans (Plato and Aristotle) although these last were recaptured respectively by San Agustín and Sacred Tomás.
In this time you can elucidate a pansy teocéntrico that showed and I characterize to a Half inquiring Age.
Going into in XV S, you leave profiling a new man vision, these are the anthropocentric vision, you reigned the idea of a man that could be happy and free here in the earth. You give beginning to new pansies, new sciences, the man is the center of everything, what allow you to achieve technological and scientific big advances.
We pass this way XIX S, where in Argentina there are radical changes, which can be glimpsed with the space Educational curricular System, where you give beginning the history of the education that at the beginning was full with obstacles until the organization, where in 1853 the National Constitution is sanctioned, and that through some articles, you show the education, and that you are possible to sum up properly you are during the period of the Historical" "Presidencies. You occur bigger importance to the creation of schools where, through the Oligarchical Liberal Controls, the Law of Common Education is sanctioned, the 1420la same that try of giving equality to all the counties.
This education necessity is given with more force when you arise in our country the bourgeois society that will demand more education, to conform the institutions.
A political social system also exists that through which will give us the educational rules that it are not neuter for the existing politics in the moment. An educational system in which leave configuring the papers of the education and the institution, to give you the educational boarding with educational, students and the contents. In the space Educational curricular Institutions, we see that an institution this normada through rules, values and laws that fix your borders:
1) articles of the National Constitution.
2) the curriculum.
3) Federal (or new Law) law of education.
4) the standards that govern the promotion of students.
Each school is specific, complex, multidimencional, pluri and interdisciplinary, intercultural, intermediate and integrative.
The educational one in charge of this space, made stress in that, the educational transformation is necessary, to confront the challenges that show up a change in all the dimensions, and a transformation in the form of coming closer to the knowledge. The social conflicts usually have a high crisis density in the knowledge, this makes that the educational transformation is necessary for the education and for the individuals. Today the difficulties of being educated find in the social problems that hinder the educational process somehow. In the world context, you are a globalization process, in this process, the school undeletes your importance of social transformation, and that you go her losing toward final of the XX century, but you take protagonism with the new conditions of the peripheral countries.
Before the information circulated alone for the schools, but today we see that you are not this way for that the technological means have entered in our homes and they make us feel illiterate. The scientific and technological knowledge advances in accelerated form, and who don't have access to this knowledge, they are reduced your capacity to intervene in the society.
The space curricular Problem of the Knowledge, approaches this reality. As this knowledge he/she leaves adapting to scientific new rules, to the paradigms, to the hypotheses; and comparing it with the XIX century, the positivism in which the laws were invariable where the idea command era and progress, and that you were glimpsed well in the class of Problematic Anthropological where you settled down that, the primitive ones could arrive to be civilized, as you were it the pansy of Europe and that of other currents. This anthropological science will have bigger peak with Malinowski who contributed to be able to study to the primitive civilizations from your breast and this way to be able to understand them, but you could not leave your ethnocentrism, and you add that you are well that these primitive societies can have an approach with the civilization.
Then authors like Francis Boas that it postulated the cultural relativism, for which you cannot compare to the primitive societies for that he/she would get lost the fundamental of each one.
The social conventional anthropology, was in charge of of publishing extensive monographs where all the aspects of the culture were revealed of having determined groups, starting from an exhaustive fieldwork. In those works the conventional descriptive categories of the free ones of the education don't appear: to know, knowledge, learning, teaching, education, socialization, etc.
This is without a doubt, product of the fact that, in these studied societies structures and formal status of an institutionalized education could not be recognized, and exactly hence, separated from other social practices.
The anthropologist R. Firth, when studying the tribal society, was in charge of of the problem of the networks and structures of transfer of the knowledge. You defined to the education from an anthropological perspective, pointing out that you are an exchange process with effect socializador, although you have not formalized institutionally and you have limited it to the family.
In the curricular spaces of Problematic Anthropological and Sociocultural, they have offered us a culture definition that are shared with the same authors, and that one of them is Durhan, ". the general aspects of the culture concept, they can be learned as a group of budgets that you/they are derived in the way that he/she conceived the anthropology your object and you defined the alcoholatura problems of the fieldwork". from this perspective, the culture is a context, you are an environment, a space, inside which can be described in (to be interpreted) intelligible way, social events, behavior modes, institutions, use of devices, customs or social processes. All these phenomena configure symbolic playable systems, that is to say significances that take get, underlying senses that the interpretation makes exit to the light.
On the other hand, the culture is a mechanism computer of the life of the social fellows.
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