
Diet and financial years of vacations

Without doubts, a good moment to dedicate you the necessary time to put on in form, they are the vacations, since they allow us to traffic places different to the quotidian ones and for ende, you are necessary to be very well fed, hydrous and also to have a physical excellent state to take advantage of to the maximum every day. Then we suggest you some foods to stay in form and financial years to have a good time while you go for a walk.

Salads livianitas and you heal:
To enjoy your vacations fully and to avoid digestive stomach upset, you include in your diet salads of raw vegetables. They are an excellent font of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other main nutrients.
You try to consume great quantity of vegetables day by day, before the main food it can even be base of proteins or hydrates of carbon.
The most suitable and easier vegetables of procuring are: lettuce, celery, cabbage, spinach, buds of soy, cucumber, eggplant, leek, pumpkin, carrot and vetches.
As for the concentrated foods: fish, birds, eggs and cheese.
The hydrates of carbon: you pasture or noodles, rice and refined cereals.

Walks and muscular elongation:
You drift next to your family a walk toward a certain destination, this way they will be knowing different places and exercising all your body. Remember that at the 5 minutes or 10 of begun book credit the walk, they should carry out a stretching of the muscles of your legs to avoid later pains. When arriving to destination, while the body stays warm, they will stretch all the muscles.

Red tea:
This variety of tea possesses a long maturation process that raise your flavor and you make it highly curative. You are the most effective drink to get off weight, since he/she reduces the level of fat in the blood.
In your vacations, you can adopt it as infusion, as much in your breakfast as in your snack.

Tours in bicycle:
To walk in bicycle, you are a healthy and amusing way to enjoy and to know the elected place well for your vacations. Also, you are a very complete financial year for all your organism. You remember to use the different speeds to optimize your force, as much in the ascents as in the slopes. When you get tired, deténte a moment, stretches your legs and taking dilutes to hydrate you.

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