
The fairies and the beauty

The fairies are magic beings that possess diverse qualities and among them, some are devoted to the sorcery, although one knows that absolutely all have some supernatural power.

You are known that the fairies are very coquettish and extremely beautiful. uelen to adorn your hairs with wild flowers and they take them long to such a point that sometimes, they usually get entangled with them. They love necklaces of conches, the precious stones, the surfaces espejadas where they can be reflected by way of mirrors, and the natural cosmetics to beautify.

According to the gear class, we can classify some groups of fairies. for example, the Green Ladies that usually inhabit the forests usually make your clothes with corollas of flowers and green sheets, to the best style Bells. Other, the White Ladies, dress with vaporous white silks or of colors cake. They also take dresses and vaporous tunics, when s etrata of fairy godmothers.

In general, the fairies that dress of green are protectors, staunch of the natural fear and they punish severely who damage the plants or the animals. They are also very playful, although they usually spend some heavy jokes. Those dressed of target or pale tónos, they are very kind generally and the moyoría of the times is surrounded by a hoop of golden light.

Some fairies that are simply naked, also exist and your so long hairs as all those of them hide your more intimate parts. Finally an entire index of dressed fairies of different colors exists, or with suits of skins, or cloths embroidered in gold and silver, etc.

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