
Gay Fears

The Homosexual and the Fear to the Old-age
If you exist a social group that definitively has you panic to the old-age, you are the one that the homosexuals conform. Here the old being deprives from all right to the conquest, of the because, maybe it contains it the hidden secret of the young gay to not wanting to think of that stage of the life that without any doubt will face, but that you will attempt retrazar to all coast, with creams, gym, sports or definitively to disguise her with up-to-date robe.

You are so easy of perceiving that if a place in fashion of "encounters", as discos or bars, you takes of "old", simply gradually he/she dies in the TOP, and you should be paid by the group of pairs that you/they want to be frequented. But the psychoanalytic desire to "steal youth", in fact takes them to visit the places where they can opt to conquer somebody ten or fifteen years minor, like one gives every weekend in the discos and bars gay.

You are understandable this fear, if we consider that those that now are "old", during your youth, they didn't have the opportunity to know others of your condition, for the brutal limitations that decades behind remained in the society, or simply for the fact that even themselves, feeling like they felt, they refused to be recognized in your condition.

For this reason every weekend, can you turn some of these exponents with serious attacks of pathos, offering economic favors to younger homosexuals for sexual services, that that also, you be probably the youngest homosexual's fear, of the future that he/she can wait you if you are not able to find your couple that allow you to be supplemented in the mutual coexistence on time and as many of those youths twenty twenty-five, are from among dedicated to the flirtation when they arrive at the thirty, the crises of self-esteem already begin to the one you turn "single", and "old."

You seem unusual to think that to the thirty years somebody feels already old, but inside the homosexual reality, the thirty are in toto a stage of the life intolerada, inside the youth. Because you stop who live her, if they have been able to be carried out in something that sustain them in your self-esteem, they feel that they still have time, but if they can take off some years, they won't doubt to make it

The Repression and the Guilt that the human beings suffer in our lives, they have origin in NOT to ACCEPT A REALITY...

In Psychology it is always easier of understanding with examples of the quotidian life and as the topic that interest us to try it is the life gay, let us focus the example in the relationship of a father and your son that it are unbearable, because the father represses and you deny your son's homosexuality who live the guilt and the father's passive aggressions, reflected as disqualifications, jokes and destructive comments that it should face to newspaper, limiting your possibility to live and to be happy.

If we analyze the father's attitude that reject to maintain in your conscious one the pansy and the stereotyped images and conceived pre of desgeneramiento and that for him they mean the homosexuality, incorporated in your psicohistoria (your life), preventing you to open the way to a truly worthy form of to live and to feel, because if you made it you would cause you suffering to see that the expectations that it had generated for him and your son; they won't be completed, (also evidencing certain grade of selfishness) for what use the mechanism of the negation and the repression unconsciously, avoiding this way, according to your vision, suffering.

The son lives the feeling and the sensations of censorship of your unconscious desires and the formations that derive of them; as experiencing the love with another man, or simply, not to be allowed the most important thing in the life: the caresses, physical and intrinsic, as the retinue of which we all need and that you reinforce us the self-esteem, all derivate of believing maybe that the whole family dynamics would be destroyed if they spoke to it conscientiously.

Analyzed, the chicken-and-egg situation is endless, the father will continue knowing, but denying and repressing that your son is homosexual that it feel and you live different to what your parameters of life allow you to accept. You will attack you passively with the typical disqualifications that we describe already, but you will give exit to the rage of your own blame for not knowing if what happen is or you were your responsibility.

The son will live submitted to the attack of the passive aggression, being limited to live, or what are worse, will live in the secrecy, with all the social risks that this bears, causing consequences that would take to the father's psychological mutilation and the son would accuse him for not accepting it. Do you find you exactly?.

"When the heart wants something with all your forces, the whole universe conspires so that reality (Paulo Coelho)" is made. The help of the infinite thing and the professional office maybe could cure the scars of the soul and to allow you to live.

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