
How to maintain the love at distance

Nowadays, they are many the status of couples that have to be distanced by diverse reasons. The number of couples that you/they live this problem type, is increased day by day with running of the time. They are many the lawsuits so that ésto happens. Many times the work makes that, in this world globalizado, trips to the interior of your country and other times to the exterior. The studios also make that you travel, for example for maters or post grades, distancing you of your couple. But the most usual thing nowadays, is the fact that they exist more and more even that one knows for internet, falling in love and having to take drastic desiciones when formalizing.

To cause or to secure the loving link among people that should remain withdrawn physically by issues of geographical distance, we offer you a ritual. Make it every time that you believe it necessary and you will see the results.

1 - you get a loadstone in sheet, and you snip two hearts of the same size, 4cm for 4cm.
2 - you write with red enamel of nails in the reverse of the hearts the name of the couple's member.
3 - then, paste them with the faced names and a paper among mean that he/she say: "Our love is stronger than the distance."
4 - later, you decorate the front from the heart to your taste, and you send this loadstone for match to your lover or dear. In the envelope, you write with invisible (that it can be, for example, lemon juice) ink "San Valentine", and when closing the sóbre you invoke this way it: "Winged San Valentine, binds with your unbeatable arrow the hearts separated by the distance."

Always keep in mind that, the moorings are very actual if you are a strong link of love among the couple.

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