Electric beater: Coming from the American cafeterias in those that the beaten cásicoas was served, this electric apparatus arrived at the kitchens of half world to pratir of 1910. Your designers, American George Schmidt and Fred Osius, saw how you transformed into one of the appliances more domestic poopulares in few years. The General purpose signature Company, began to manufacture them in series before First World War.
Sandwich: During the sessions in the tables of game of London, the hunger distracted the duke Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792). This aristocrat, sent that they brought it between two in 1762, flesh portions or cheese slices of bread. This way, while you played cards with a hand, with the other one he/she could eat without aborting your departure.
Artificial satellite: Julio Verne exposed in your novels the laws of Newton's start: a body rushed above the atmosphere to certain speed turns indefinitely around the Earth. October of 1957, 4 the Soviets passed to the practice and they inaugurated the space era when putting in the orbit Sputnik I.
Video games: A simulation of ping-pong departure, appeared in 1972 with the name of "Odyssey", the first domestic video game that were devised was. Your created, Norman Bushner (that, animated by the success, you founded the signature later on Atari), manufactured an apparatus that worked according to the start of the screen of liquid glasses.
You photograph in color: Since French Joseph-Nicéphore Niépce invented the picture in 1827, to reproduce color pictures was the floor of all. The first in achieving it were the brutánico James Clerk Maxwell, in the year 1861, taking three successive images of a blanket through three filters: blue, green and red. Then, you superimposed the negatives on a screen. The picture in color was possible in 1903, when Auguste and Louis Lumière devised the photographic boards Autochrome. They were made of spotty glass of colored potato starch of orange, green and violet, to those that a layer was applied of photosensitive.
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