Computer: This term, used from 1950, designates to the mathematical provided instruments of electronic circuits that confer you certain autonomy. German Wolhem Schickard, invented in 1623 the first apparatus to add. Mark 7, first calculator able to solve equations, began to work in 1937. Created by American Vannevar Bush, you weighed 8 tons and you measured 15 meters long for 2,40 of width, and you solved supreme in 0,3 seconds and divisions in 12.
Laser: Einstein exposed the main laws of the well-known phenomenon 80 years ago as Stimulated Emission of Radiations. This start, based on the amplification of a sheaf of photons, you were investigated for the first time by the American physique Charles Hard Townes. This scientist, discovered in 1951 the possibilities of the effect MASER, initials that correspond to the Amplification of Microwaves for Stimulated Emission of Radaciones.
Saccharin: During some investigations on a derivate of the tar, the American Anger Remsen and Constantin Fahlberg, found in 1879, the first alimentary edulcorating agent of synthesis. Up to 1938, you were only marketed in drug stores and medical low recipe. Starting from that year, you were used as preservative in foods indistriales. Your advantages: you don't contribute calories neither hydrates of carbon.
Diesel motor: After establishing Beau of Rochas the cycle of four times in the explosion motor, the engineer alemás Rudolf Diesel investigated the reason of the thermal mediocre performance of that motor. You were as well as you conceived in 1893 and you carried out in 1897, the combustion motor: when pressing and to heat the gasoil, this explodes spontaneously in spite of not having ignition spark.
Zipper: This closing system formed by two chains of brackets that united when throwing of a cursor, was shown up in the exhibition of Chicago 1893 by American Whitcomb L. Judson. The industry of the confection applied this system to great scale from the years twenty.
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