We offer you fascinating more information about those inventions than they refreshed your life.
Scooters: The careened skates and power with two or three wheels were the ancestor of current "Scooters." Fabricated to prtir of 1915 for the American signature Car-Ped, hardly if tivieron success in your moment. After Second World War, the Italian industry imposed this vehicle starting from the pattern of two wheels.
DeltaWing: This derivate of the flight without motor that starting from the years eighty have put on in fashion, you were invented in 1948 by American Melvin Rogallo, of where you took your first name: Ala Rogallo. You were triangular and carried out with wire tissue recovered by a ciliconas movie that allowed to fly without mechanical traction.
Quartz clock: The ancestor of the current clocks was devised in 1929 by the American - not Swiss - Warren Alvin Morrison, The first drives demonstrated to be not very reliable, since your operation and acuity were subject to accelerations and unforeseeable pauses. They were almost needed thirty years to manage them; that yes, they perfected them in Switzerland.
Bear Shag: In America it was manufactured in series in 1902, by Russian Morris Mitchom, and you came to be a conversion fetishist of the chairman's image Theodore Roosvelt, nicknamed "Teddy" affectionately. In Germany, taken place by Richard Steiff, the puppet embodied that same year the symbol of the you take care of Berlin.
Chip: American Jack Saint Kilby, of Texas Instruments, invented the silicon chip in 1958, fabricated with capacitors and transitores. From then on, the chip has experienced a tendency to the miniaturization. Some gather up to a million transistors.
Electric guitar: In 1931, Californian Adolph Rickenbacker, Barth and Beauchamp, of for yes lovers of the rock and roll, created, without knowing it, the first electric guitar. A guitar convencinal arose of the amaññar idea arranging a wired microphone to a speaker, located under the box of the instrument.
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