Inside the other Kingdom that coexist with the humans, the world of the fairies is the most fascinating but also the most mysterious. You can be able to contact them and then to establish an exchange relationship with a lot of love and respect. They usually dominate the goblins, your eternal partners and until to the goblins and fauns of the forests. Your seduction is incredible and you in fact leave of your exquisite and ethereal beauty.
This is the first difference that you are between a fairy and a witch. A fairy, is beautiful by nature, although she can change form momentarily and to transform into any thing, from an old man until an animal.
The witch, on the other hand, is ugly from your same birth and you/he/she is usually plagued of warts, cortexes and other filthiness. You can however, thanks to beverages and potions, to become a beautiful woman momentarily, but your evil features will accuse her at once.
The second difference between fairies and witches is that these last need of diverse elements to prepare your charms, while a fairy can love optional to a human being only with transmitting you your pearly encouragement.
As third difference, let us note that the witches always belong to the human race, while the fairies, are part of the spiritual world of the four elements: Air, Fire, Earth and You Dilute.
In the only thing that fairies and witches resemble each other, you are in the capacity to be able to charm, to love, to curse or to heal, and of course, in the case of the good fairies, the fundamental difference is that they never make acts of wickedness, while the witches and the malignant fairies belong to the dark side.
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