Telephone: Transmission path of infections if the couple's member or family is suffered of colds (virus of the "influenza"), pharyngitis ("pyogenes"), or common cold ("M. catharrails"); although the biggest hazard is that the friends or the visits use our headphone and the siembren of your souvenirs.
Mesilla: Any piece of furniture, tissue, upholstered or I object that accumulate powder, you are a mine of acarids. Although they are counted by millions, they are only detrimental for allergic or asthmatic.
Dog: The mascots can be vehicle of illnesses for work of your acarids (fleas, lice and ticks), or other affections (fever botonosa, mycosis, etc.).
Kiss: The healthiest mouth even transforms into gangplank of up to 100 million microbes during a kiss.
Coitus: To use preservatives will liberate us of the shot of 300.000 germs, of those near 20 million microbes that it accomodate a penis, or of the 12 millions for square centimeter of a vagina. But this won't be enough to delete the infection of a herpes genital, a mycosis or some playful ladillas.
Clothes or footwear: You suit to avoid these exchanges if some of both is suffered of mycosis or mange. The quotidian racking is limited staphylococcuss and "Propionibacterium."
Caress: To caress the thigh or the torso of the even incuye, like gift, about ten million microbes (still supposing that one has the clean hand).
Sheets: Warm, they can be focus of transmission of mushrooms. They are also the ideal mean to pass over tuberculois or cholera, although in very remote cases.
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