
Pentaculos - as making your own pentaculo

The star of five tips, also named staff, you are the magic symbol of all the times.

For the Pythagorean ones, you represented the knowledge and the knowledge; for the white magician the tool to invoke to the forces of the nature; for the black magician, located in invested form, you are the weapon to summon dark forces.

If to that star it surrounds it to him with a circle, you become one of the most powerful talismans: the pentáculo.

Leonardo Gives Vinci you immortalized it in "The man of the vitrubio." Leonardo was an insider in the esoterism and you knew perfectly that the staff locked in a circle one of the most powerful symbols constitutes, since you symbolize the man protected by an impenetrable bubble that no damage can cross.

And also, the Celtic ones, they used to make your protection circles with pentáculos when they practiced your ceremonies of magic directed wicca to the druidas (priests magicians).

How to make your own pentáculo

Before you build your own pentáculo, we remind you that once you have ended it and before using it, you should consecrate it to Luz.

To carry out it, you search an image of a star of five tips, cutos sides they are interlaced to each other. Then arrange it in a wooden disk. Recuibre the part of behind of the disk with a thin sheet of the metal that correspond you according to your zodiacal sign. Aries: iron; Taurus: you get paid; Gemini: mercury, Cancer: silver; Leo: gold; Virgo: brass; Libra: you get paid; Escorpio: iron; Sagittarius: tin; Capricorn: lead; Aquarius: lead; and Pisces tin. In case your metal is the mercury or the lead (we know that both are noxious), replace them for aluminum. If you cannot put a silver sheet or gold for the cost that this conyeva, you can use metalized paper of the corresponding (golden / silver coating) color. Around the star, put the initials of your name and the date of your birth. And around the circle he/she writes a dedicated sentence to God or the biggest entity that you admire. You will be at every moment your protection and place. To the dorsum of the locket, you record on the metal the symbol of the planet you govern of your sign. You surround the edge of metal grabandosignos of $ around all. You consecrate the realized talisman lighting yellow candles and praying to the divinity that you have chosen as protector.

You always take this pentáculo with you when you will play and never let them to see it.

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