In general ledger or pettier measure all the human beings feel love at some time, until the most unscrupulous they have had some object of your affection. For the love we are moved, us vulnerabilizamos, we ennoble ourselves... for the love we fight, we dream, let us believe... for the love we suffer, we cry, we remain silent, we scream... the big works of art, the best songs, the unforgettable books, all they have been motivated by the love.
The love is considered as a group of behaviors and attitudes, unconditional and disinterested, that are manifested among beings able to develop emotional intelligence. The love is not only bounded to the mankind but also to all those beings that can develop emotional nodes with other, for example, dolphins, dogs, horses, etc.
Habitually he/she associates the term with the romantic love, a relationship pasional between two people with an important influence in your relationships interpersonal and sexual mutual societies. However the term is also applied to other different relationships, such as the platonic love or the family love, and also in a more comprehensive sense it is spoken of love toward God, the nature, the humanity in your group (that which usually associates to the empathy), and others. In most of the cases it means a great affection for something that cause pleasure or happiness to who carry out the share of loving.
Philosophically, it is usually thought that the love is the only feeling that don't possess a feeling of polarity, like you are the case of the other feelings (p.e. peace - war). Popularly it is usually contrasted, avoided or counteracted with the hate, contempt or selfishness, but a polar defined feeling doesn't exist.
"The love is suffered, you are benign; the love doesn't have envy, the love you are not boastful, you don't get conceited; you don't make anything undue, you don't search his, you are not irritated, you don't harbor resentment; you are not enjoyed the grievance, but one enjoys the truth. All you suffer it, all you believe it, all you wait for it, all you support" it.
In your etymological origin, the love has roots in some Greek words. One of the translations means similar, because those that love each other are similar; another is to want vividly: love involves a to want intense and vehement; another means to tie, to connect, because the characteristic of the love is to adjoin the lovers.
We can say that the formal object of the perfect love are in the person of the "other" one: something is loved because you are good, because you embody the nature of the good: "something is loved as soon as you are right of well." That which are not equal to affirm the precedence of the interested love and the subordination of the very subject to the lover. Because the well is not good because you are tempting, but rather you are tempting because you are good. To affirm that the well is the formal bjeto of the love you are to not only found the ecstatic or disinterested character of the love, but founding the love without more.
The love that carry out me and you perfect as human being you are not unmotivated, you have lawsuit. We can summarize the lawsuit of the love like the very objective and actual of the dear person. To love is to delight in the good that you exist in the other one. And that love can discover it in different ways: when I love somebody: you are an active and immediate test, the direct object of the love you are the other one; when I observe the love in other people that love each other: you are a mediate test; and the most special form is when I am loved: you are a passive and immediate test and the object of the love I am myself. All these tests help to understand what are the love: affective or pleased statement that a human being makes of the existence of the other one.
The love is the uptake of the fullness and another person's perfection as long as susceptible of being carried out by oneself and as long as in the realization of that fullness he/she goes involved the own autorrealización, so this can reach a fullness before unsuspected. Said shortly, the love is the uptake of another one of whose fullness the own one depends, and in such a way that that other one awake the best thing that is in myself. From this perspective, the love is a feeling and a trend.
In the love he/she takes place, because, the union of two subjectivities so each a stocking in the fullness of the other one. For that reason, Aristotle maintains that the work of the love is the drive, S. Agustín that the love is the trend to the drive and Hegel that the love is the drive of the identity and the difference, that is to say, the drive in which two subjectivities reach the identification of one with the other one but without that supposes your annulment, on the contrary, in such a way that the difference stays.
Not we were created neither to be neither to be alone. Nobody grows neither you are formed alone. Our existence is always toward the other, bound, in communion with the other ones. We can say that in first instance this personal necessity is vector; this means like an arrow, with an address. I need a person with an intensity and with an inclination or very precise orientation. I need it for something, I don't need it personally but for that that the person has or you take I get; your body, your effort, your dexterity, your social misalignment, your support...
Each being's natural appetite for your well would be the fundamental and only form of the love.
Of the whole field tendencial of the human appetites they emerge the answers to the good or those not well offered ones; these answers can call them affective. The well moves the immediate appetite, inside which we include to the love like exclusive motor of the affective life.
The children, in your purity, they are usually the clearest when explaining that you are the love:
"When somebody loves you, the form in which say your name is different"
"Love is when you exit to eat and ofrecés your French fries without hoping the other person offers you your French fries"
"Love is when the mom sees the dad all stinking one and of bad odor and you say that you are but beautiful that Robert Redford"
"Love is when you tell to a boy that take a pretty shirt and he put it to him every day"
"Love is when your dog licks your face although vos the alone dejás the whole day"
* The love is silent. why do I love you? Because sos vos. Not there is reason some and you are vain to search one.
This inferior love of the desire is an authentic love, and you should not be rejected in any case, but you contain more than an element of selfishness and neither you rise as high as the love in your plenum perfection that go beyond all the desirable qualities of that loved, directly to that loved as person. You go beyond your personality, until reaching your me, this is, an I that your own kindness subsists, don't eat to perfect of the lovers, but as loved by itself, in your own person.
* The love is communion. The lovers love each other, but they remain in toto in themselves, in a certain sense, the love is one, but in another sense it is two. As for one he/she refers to that are a link that bind, based on the likenesses and, in the deepest love, an image of what you/they can end up being together, of the recognition of the possibilities that you/they increase to have to the other one to the side.
The communion in the love requires community in kindness, the love is don in the sense in which the union doesn't delete the two lovers. The term of the love is the identity of the other one, your unique subsistence as person.
* The love is a don of yes. Only in the measure in that I love to other I really love myself to myself. With my love, I give myself, in present, to the other one. This autoentrega is indispensable for the plug-in of my legal capacity.
* The love is creative. Not it is a dream sense or lazy rest, but a vigorous handover toward the realization that make grow in the lover's appearance.
The love doesn't create the original legal capacity of the other one, but rather you find it. Being loved exists in the world, you deploy your legal capacity, and simply to be who are he/she has made your being to shine in that of the other person.
*The love is reciprocal. To love involves as much the desire as the fact of being loved. You are possible to have a love that are not corresponded, but satisfactory character of similar love jumps at sight, this desire to be loved manifests the unavoidable component of the love of itself in all love, a love of itself that he/she don't need in mode some to be selfish, but you are simply the consideration of the value of oneself as person, exactly in the same way that one considers the value like person of the other one.
*The love is the supreme value. The love must be everything or anything. Neither in your actual financial year, because we can love more or less, and never to love perfectly. The love doesn't oppose you to the existing reality some, but rather you animate them to all respecting them. The love is your own value, you are the person's value.
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