The sexual psychology considers sexually abnormal everything that that generate a personal and subjective sensation of affliction, anguishes, you accuse or depression. In and of itself, before to take to the slight one our dysfunctions and to circumvent responsibilities, you are advisable to consult to a professional, already ea a sexólogo, psychologist or psychiatrist.
These are only some of the most representative phobias that some people, for shame or for ignorance, they don't end up never identifying as such, being able to rebound gravely not in a future very distant, in your answer sexual fisilógica.
Androphobia: When the vision or contact with the men become unbearable.
Aptephobia: You are when you feel fear to be played or caressed.
Bromidrosiphobia: The personal odor causes panic and anxiety.
Coitophobia: The sexual contact unties a pathologic fear.
Cypridophobia: Obsessive apprehension in front of the possible infection of venereal illnesses.
Espermatophobia: Panic before the contact or vision of the semen.
Eurotophobia: When they are not supported the vision and less the contact, of the genital feminine organs.
Gamophobia: Fear to the marriage.
Genophobia: When the sex, without having a loving previous game, constitutes the phobic reason.
Gimnophobia: Terror in front of a naked body.
Ginophobia: Fear to the women and your anatomy in general.
Hedonophobia: You anguish and uneasiness in the face of any variety of pleasure.
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