The stars of the classics of Hollywood didn't seem to fear you. Humphrey Bogart in the memorable scenes of Casablanca or Rita Hayworth in Gilda demonstrates it. They smoked a cigarette after another with cavalier, indifferent, seductive air. Today they would maybe continue challenging to the statistical data on lung cancer, in ascent in the entire world. And to the bound other illnesses to the tabaquismo, more than twenty according to recent studios.The lung cancer appears as the great demon when you are shot against the tobacco plant. According to the figures of the World Organization of the Health (OMS) it causes 1,6 million deaths per annum in the world. The incidence of the lung cancer is 16 times general ledger among the smokers, the boss of Cancerology of the Foundation informed Campomar, José Mordoh.But little you are spoken of other organs that suffer the destructive goods of the nicotine and they can derive in bad irreversible.They would be more than 20 the derivative complications of the usage of tobacco plant: tumors, affections of the respiratory or cardiovascular system are the most serious, the boss of Oncology of the Hospital alerted Alvarez, Mario Bruno.Although so good epidemiological studies don't exist as those that speak of lung cancer, several experts consulted by Trumpet they enumerated other wrongs that, in general ledger or pettier measure, they associate to the cigarette.Among the tumors, the physicians give tacan those of mouth (in the pipe smokers a bigger incidence of cancer of the inferior lip is noted, for the permanent contact with the heat), those of larynx, pharynx, esophagus and stomach.The bladder cancer would also have relationship with the tabaquismo, according to recent investigations. Of this it is spoken little, but you were proven that your incidence is bigger among smokers. The toxins are deleted for via urinary and they concentrate on the bladder, the vice-president of the Association explained to Argentina of Cancer, Oriel Alva. Some kidney cancers could also have to do with the tobacco plant.The cigarette is also responsible for respiratory illnesses as the chronic bronchitis or the emphysema, a wrong that you impede the normal oxygen uptake in the organism. And you also affect the cardiovascular features.The boss of Docencia and Investigation of the Foundation Favaloro, Branco Mautner, detailed: The nicotine doesn't only affect to the heart, but to the whole arterial system.Cerebrovascular accidents and obstruction of the arteries of the legs that can end in leaks and gangrenes, are only part of the complications that threaten to who, for different reasons, they cannot resist to the cigarette.These wrongs usually arise starting from the 50 or 60 years, in people that consume more than 20 cigarettes per day. The tobacco plant needs 25 or 30 years of share before the damage becomes visible, Bruno said.But the newly born ones can also be victims. The babies of smoking mothers are usually born with under weight, and this drift in a quantity of complications.The devote of the tobacco plant are not always of agreement, but the solution, for the physicians, you are plain: To abort the cigarette is the easiest and cheap form to diminish the mortality for cardiovascular illnesses - Mautner pointed -. To leave is difficult. The ideal thing would be to avoid the youths to begin to smoke.For Mordoh, you are about a very important public health problem. You get the carefulness that people smoke more and more in spite of the fact that the risks are very well-known. This demonstrates the great stress level and, also, the pressure of the tobacco companies through the publicity.The topic is not new. But the statistical data of OMS don't seem to scare those who continue filling ashtrays.
We can affirm without exaggerating that the tobacco plant in form of cigarettes is one of the most addictive and murderous drugs. Regarding the first of this qualities, you are necessary to remember that the neurofarmacología of the nicotine is extraordinarily similar to that of the cocaine. Experienced fellows to who it were given intravenous injections of nicotine thought of most of the cases that had been injected with cocaine or amphetamines.
In the case of the tobacco plant, the raw form of the drug (you plant), particularly if you are smoked, you are incomparably more toxic than your enabled (nicotine) purified start and administered in equivalent dose. The adverse main sequels for the health for usage of tobacco plant are of the act of smoking it, and they are due to countless byproducts of the combustion of the call tar of the tobacco plant, not to the nicotine in itself.
The directed efforts to disaccustom people to the tobacco plant usually are not effective long term, in particular when the smoker is not resolute to suffer the nuisances that it suppose you to abort the habit. The oriented proposals to make primary prevention of the damages associated to the tabaquismo in general include campaigns advertising anti-tobacco plant, expensive and of goods unwarranted disuasorios, or barriers to the usage, such as increase in prices via tax pressure that punish selectively to the neediest and you motivate the black market. The educational campaigns fail when you lack the example.
Another form of fighting with the wrongs that it cause the tabaquismo consists on offering to the consumer viable alternatives to the cigarette, for that which are still necessary to incorporate significant enhancements to the available today: you are hopes very been founded so much in the intranasal channel as in the strategy of the vapor of nicotine that you/they associate to a curve of levels nicotínicos in similar blood to that of the cigarette, avoiding most of your nuisance values.
The time that delay a device in procuring the concentration plasmatic maxim of nicotine is a key element to keep in mind, since most of the smokers seem to accept the alternatives well to the cigarette that you/they liken your psychoactive (in great measure related with the pharmacokinetics) goods and that they allow to conserve, at least partly, the ritual component of the act of smoking. Patch and chewing gums of nicotine don't fulfill those requirements. Regarding the sensorial component of smoking, the system of heating the tobacco plant without ending up burning it to extract the nicotine (vaporization), although less convenient than others from the sanitary point of view, you conserve, at least partially, the aroma and flavor that so many smokers appraise.
To trace a sensible proposal, you are important to recognize that no government effort can make disappear the tobacco plant neither the human search of your psychoactive qualities. If we have to cohabit with the nicotine, we should allocate to the science the task of deleting, as much as possible, the toxicity associated to your management. Smoking cigarettes is not the absolute modality of usage of nicotine: you are so alone the less healthy one, the most dangerous and the one that more exposes at third to noxious substances.
From a public health perspective, we believe that no strategy is more profitable and more economic than to facilitate the investigation and promotion of safer and more affordable means for the supply of nicotine, especially for the confirmed tabaquistas. With the level reached currently by the pharmacology and the technical available petitions, you don't seem exactly to continue limiting the options from the smoker to the abstinence or the severe deterioration of your health.
To put an end to that dilemma, deleting the barriers to the production and the commerce of new vehicles of nicotine, you would save millions of lives every year.
You are for all acquaintance that to smoke you gives a xanthic color to the denture but in accordance with the General Academy of Odontology the smokers are twice prone to lose the teeth that the other ones.
To reach this conclusion they were carried out 2 studios separated by 30 years and on the average the smokers lost 2.9 teeth after 10 years of smoking an up-to-date pack, while the non-smokers lose 1.3 in the same time.
But according to the studio you also concluded that those that stopped to smoke also reduced the number of lost teeth, I repeat on the average.
In other news related with the tobacco plant, you were discovered that the responsible substance that the cells of the lung transform into cancerous you call you peroxide of hydrogen. Now wait it can decrease or to delete for contrarestar the damages to the health.
How to stop to smoke?
The alcoholatura thing to stop to smoke: All that you always wanted and you need to know
All that that are seriously whereas clause to stop to smoke debit side to be familiarized with having determined basis points that will allow you to make plainner this process. We will see determined points next to continue, the products that you/they can help in this process and also the combination among result / times. You will also find some commissions to make more bearable the "syndrome of abstinence."
Plan to Stop to Smoke
In the first place, to be successful in stopping to smoke it is important to have a plan and to follow it carefully. To stop to smoke can be a difficult point, and this can lead to the failure. But if one has a strategic plan and you continue it to him with carefulness, the chances of success increase considerably. Next you will find several steps that yes or yes debit side to contain your plan to stop to smoke:
1.Es better to begin the process of stopping to smoke in a date that have a meaning for us, I eat a birthday for example, navidad, new year, the mother's day, of the friend, of the non-smoker, etc. This way it will be much plainner to know how much you make that we don't sample the cigarette. Although you seem incredible, the knowledge when when or the process didn't begin you raise the chances of success considerably.
2.Trata of forming a support group with friends, family, partners that also want to stop to smoke. This group usually serves since they have the trustee (chequeando how long you make that we don't smoke) feature and you also serve as help in the moments of debility.
3.Haga to disappear of your life all that are related with the tobacco plant. This way they decrease the "links" that generate temptations to smoke. These products have to be outside of the house, the work, the car, and any other place in which spend more than five minutes, always insofar as possible.
4.Tenga always by hand a product to stop to smoke, or a book on the topic. You are scientifically demonstrated that those that use products or readouts to stop to smoke have double possibilities to achieve it. Exactly it is the ullage of capacity to manage the syndrome of abstinence the lawsuit number one for which people cannot stop to smoke.
Syndrome of abstinence
As we already said, the most important lawsuit for which people cannot stop to smoke is the incompetence to manage the syndrome of abstinence. This syndrome of abstinence is caused by your body when you don't receive the doses of nicotine to those that it were accustomed. Although the symptoms usually vary person to person, in general it is said that you feel:
1. Great irritability
2. I gain weight
3. Depression
4. Bigger pressure
5. Dysfunctions of dream
6. You tire continuing
As you he/she can see, the side effects of stopping to smoke are not for anything plain thing. Not he/she is casual that so much people he/she cannot stop to still smoke when they have the will of making it. Fortunately there is a wide variety of products that you/they can make the much more bearable process for the smokers and to generate, indeed, a pettier intensity in the side effects once you decided to stop to smoke. So much the native substances, as well as patch they generate benefits that mitigate the negative symptoms. Also readouts like this helps to limit the time that these symptoms extend in the time.
What do the native substances make?
The native substances to stop to smoke that make you are to double-cross to the body, making you believe that you are receiving the dose of nicotine that this wants. This way sensations of calm and relaxation are generated, and, the same as with the patch of nicotine, they go decreasing the doses as the time happens. Most of the native substances differ with the patch of nicotine as for the chemical components that contain (natural grass).
Both programas download the doses gradually until the symptoms disappear completely.
In summary
Now that you have a little clearer how the products work to stop to smoke, the proximate step is to determine which the most actual product is. For this reason we invite you to that visit our exclusive section of studio and revision of products in the market.
Good Reasons to Stop to Smoke
People's Milliones smokes regularly, but 7 of cade 10 of them have expressed your desire to leave the habit. Smoking produces illnesses like the cancer, illnesses of the heart, cerebral leaks, problems with the pregnancy, and illnesses of the lung.
When you stop to smoke:
* The probability of getting sick to consequencia of the cigarette will be pettier.
* You will have more energy and you will be able to breathe more easily.
Other Good Reasons to Stop to Smoke
If you are pregnant, your baby will breathe more oxygen and you will be healthier.
People that live with you, especially your children, will be healthier. Breathing the fume of the cigarette of other people can cause asthma and other problems of the health.
You will have more money to buy other things them not to be cigarillos.
This Is the Best Moment to Stop to Smoke
A combination of tactics that you/they work you
Get ready to Stop to Smoke
1. You fix a date.
I will leave of fumar:_______________________________
2. You change your around:
* You throw all the cigarillos and ashtrays that he/she have in your house, in your car and in your work.
* Not allow other people to smoke in your house
3. When stopping to smoke, you don't be smoked neither a single cigarette. Neither a cigarette more!
You Obtain Medicines that You/they Can Help You
He/she can buy chewing gum of nicotine, patch of nicotine, or chips of sucking of nicotine * in a drug store. He/she can request more information to your pharmaceutical.
Request to your physician that explain to you of the other medicines that you/they can help you:
* A nasal sprayer with nicotine.
* An inhaler of nicotine.
* Bupropion SR (a chip).
* Chips of sucking of nicotine were approved by FDA in octobre 2002.
You Search Help
Tell to your family, your friends, and to your partners of the work that support him.
You speak with your physician, a nurse or with another professional of the health. They can help you to stop to smoke.
Meet with other people that are also being about stopping to smoke or you call to an office network (a "hotline."
You call to the "Tuxedo Quitline" to 1-800-QUIT NOW. The call is ungrounded and him atendarán in Spanish.
Recommendations for not Smoking Again
* You avoid the alcohol.
* You avoid to be near people that are smoking.
* You eat healthy foods and you exercise.
* You maintain a positive attitude. Used can achieve it!
* If you relapse and you smoke, you don't be given for past due. You fix a new date.
You Can Abort the Cigarette!!!
Most of people try to stop to smoke different times before leaving the cigarette forever. Stopping to smoke of difficult but... You Can.
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