
Sex - Exchange of microbes in the sex

The sex, ademá of pleasure, only involves a racking of germs comparable to that of the daily coexistence. Millions of minuscule bugs chase for our anatomy. You are all one sway of microorganisms and bacterium, but most of the times are harmless and without consequences.

More than a penis it would undertake the retreat if you knew that when franking that mysterious vagina to which lean out, it will navigate among 12 million microbes for square centimeter! The fémina would also adjoin your legs if they announced you that the masculine member gathers between 17 and 20 million microbes and that your torrential ejaculation will flood it with 300.000 million microbes for seminal download...

In fact, although our immune system was in full abilities, our body is able to ignore a battalion of germs, and even non ucumbir before having determined virus, bacteria and mushrooms, three fronts that yes they can propitiate the infection and whose illnesses are susceptible of being transmitted with more easiness in couple. Until the most aseptic human he/she has the surface of your body, as well as the external holes and even the own alimentary tract, populated by microorganisms that form a protection (intestinal or vaginal, for example) flora that you/they preserve of noxious germs in occasions.

To be excessively scrupulous with the tools of eating, to register the exclusivity of bathrobes, slippers or in the sexual relationships, you don't avoid the infection of a light infection that could only avoid living in a glass capsule.

That that yes you are within our reach you are to minimize in couple the alluvium of germs and to prevent that these move and live to your wide ones with relative easiness. An alcoholatura hygiene, only using soap in feet, arm pits and genital, coarse to maintain the volume of germs to skin flower in the borders of the normality.

For it, you are necessary that the objects of quotidian use are only low control with maintaining them clean, and mainly dry, since the prolonged dampness is a nest of germs and of sure transmission.

Now then, when the couple's member suffers an infection, you are convenient to put an end alintercambio to avoid an infection. That will mean, to be about abstaining sexually, as well as to diminish kisses, and of course, to reserve the individual use of the daily tools.

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