
Alterations in menstruation

The age of first menstruation (which is called menarche), is a useful indicator to assess the health and population at the individual level.

In populations with higher levels of economic development, nutrition and health, there was an advancement in the age of first menstruation in comparison with other populations.

For this reason, the delay the onset of menstruation not only leads to a girl in distress and also their parents, but also be taken as a sign of disease. It is therefore necessary consultation with the gynecologist or with the pediatrician.

Must be taken into account the age of menarche to link it with maternal age may be expected for their daughters.

The oligomenorrea, is a frequent complaint in the early years of adolescence, consisting of menstrual cycles ranging between 45 and 90 days. Their cause is linked to some ovarian dysfunction, and the presence of polycystic ovaries.

Strict diets, travel, changes in domestic and emotional disorders, may be causes of such changes.

The absence of menarche by contrast, can occur in girls who show a lack of development in secondary sexual characters, suggesting that a failure occurs at the hypothalamic or gonadal.

Prior to the beginning of menstruation, the teenager may suffer from premenstrual syndrome: psychic depression with irritability, fatigue, headache, breast enlargement, and is increasing the appetite, edema of hands and feet.

In those days, it should reduce salt intake and avoid further drinks with caffeine.

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